Humans don't know the rules better than a computer

Durward 2022-04-20 09:01:28

High tech has always been something I'm particularly interested in, because of this highly integrated artificial intelligence.
In addition, the ending touched me. At the last moment, Xiao raised his gun and shot. This method is the fastest way to interrupt the scene, but at the same time, he must also let the security personnel attack him. Do you have it yourself?
In fact, there is nothing wrong with artificial intelligence. She is the one who sticks to the rules until death. Humans always follow the rules when they do not endanger their own interests.

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Eagle Eye quotes

  • Zoe Perez: Sir, if you're planning on pulling me off the Shaw case...

    Defense Secretary Callister: [interrupts] Agent Perez, for the first time, you're being brought in the loop on this one.

  • Zoe Perez: For the last time, I don't work for you!