Thoughts on the screening of "The Secrets of the Tide Burst"

Laurie 2022-04-24 06:01:01

Five couples face the problem of becoming parents.

Jules is a TV host and coach. She performed with her fiancé Marco on a dance show and won the men's and women's combination championship. She couldn't control the pregnancy chest as a sign of nausea. Women's most beautiful and proud vocation is unsightly in front of the audience. The public, especially the famous ones, make every act and every word an excuse for the media to make articles. Chance is Jewish, he wants to give birth to his son to be circumcised; Jules does not, the film uses a section that thinks it is ridiculous: a Jewish boyfriend tastes doughnuts; an American girlfriend eats bananas, and they eat and argue that their son should be in the future. Is it circumcised? This kind of use of real objects and dialogue is like an American burger full of French fries but wanting to wrap your belly. It is difficult to get the taste. Please forgive me for not being able to laugh.

Another pregnant woman, Wendy, is a baby products store owner, and also a children’s book writer and consultant. She pays attention to image. Her hormones after pregnancy have caused her to have purple fetal marks, urinary incontinence, and a bad temper. Her obedient husband is also Affected by her emotional scolding, she was puzzled by the stepmother who was worthy of her sister: the stepmother who was pregnant with the fetus had a small belly, still bright and beautiful, wearing high heels, walking lightly, she was a little jealous, the writer is in Incontinence before the lecture, she drowned most of the one-piece dress, the female employee exchanged clothes with the employer at all costs (she can nominate the most outstanding employee award), she was miserable enough to be exhausted by excessive hormones, Wendy's hair was scattered, her face was pale, and she wore With an oversize dress for employees, she couldn't bear the hormonal fart. The audience was a little surprised at the decent speaker's failure to show up. Wendy looked at the employee who endured the piss smell and came out to support the employee. She understood that she had to face reality. , She gave her up and said her heartfelt words, some listeners put sincere words on Youtube, and the rate of clicks was very high. The truth is that pregnant women know that the price of praying for a child for many years is a strong pregnancy reaction. As a role model, the stepmother won a large number of admiring customers into the store to take pictures and autograph.

The two female characters in the movie, Jules and Wendy, are both public figures. The former is an unreasonable scumbag, while the latter makes people think that pregnant women may embarrass their bodies without concealing their body.

The character description of Wendy's old and hard-fought racing driver's father Ramsey is exaggerated and inaccurate. He behaves as a big boy. He and his son-in-law drive golf carts to compete very boring. The son-in-law is annoyed that his grandfather will give out big wads of money to solve the problem. , And he is not to be outdone by his grandfather's triumphant attitude as a racer. If his son-in-law who has a heart disease fails to show up with his grandfather, Ramsey can't dissuade Ben from stopping and calmly discussing an indirect murderer!

Holly can't get pregnant, she and her husband To adopt a baby boy in Ethiopia, during the handover ceremony Holly promised to take care of the adopted son and tears flowed. The gratitude and shaking were quite touching. Last year’s Christmas hotel buffet saw a foreign couple order a burger to a cute little Asian girl with big eyes. The foreigners, most likely adoptive parents, saw their daughter eating happily. They looked at each other and smiled. The natural love regardless of nationality matches The film expresses the philanthropic spirit of Westerners, and it is finally a missed plot that adds warmth to the series of films.

Written by Patrick Chan on June 3, 2012

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What to Expect When You're Expecting quotes

  • Vic: I didn't use to call it that, but once you've seen a baby come out of there, trust me, it's a vagina!

  • Gary: [to Wendy] Sweet bird of paradise! Was that you?