I'm not afraid of you

Beth 2022-01-01 08:02:10

After watching this movie, towards the end, the dead old man went to open the door for the helpless children, and at the end he stood in the shadows watching the children go away. I suddenly wanted to cry.
Yes, he did what he said. He stayed in this place forever all his life. With the woman he loves deeply.
The movie is not terrifying all the way. More are the ingredients of sadness. Even when the guilty man sank to the bottom of the water, the dead child hugged him and prevented him from surviving. I don't feel scared. It even felt that the child had been forgiven.
It was an era of turmoil, I can't imagine. I just felt disheartened when the explosion happened. But people are dead, and the adults on whom the children depended are dead. How do those children survive in this world.
But undoubtedly, the old man, the child and the woman in the film are all strong. I like that woman looking tremblingly at his beloved man, the man who did something wrong and threatened her with a knife. She said, I am not afraid of you.
I am not afraid of you.
I like this woman who exists as a goddess in the eyes of children.

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Extended Reading

The Devil's Backbone quotes

  • Casares: Stay by my side as my light grows dim /as my blood slows down and my nerves shatter with stabbing pain / as my heart grows weak / and the wheels of my being turn slowly / Stay by my side /as my fragile body is racked by pain /which verges on truth / and manic time continues scattering dust / and furious life bursts out in flames. Stay by my side / as I fade / so you can point to the end of my struggle /and the twilight of eternal days / at the low, dark edge of life.

  • Casares: [to Carlos] The devil's backbone. Children who should never have been born.