The fate of male gods and goddesses: leaning on Wangjiang Tower alone, looking at a thousand sails are not

Clare 2022-11-05 14:47:43

If the original intention of watching the movie "A Week with Monroe" was just to watch later cosplay Lawrence Oliver, would anyone believe this reason? Marilyn Monroe, as a stunner and a sexy symbol, has received tribute and remembrance in the Cannes film industry that just opened this year. For Rotten Wood, the blonde doll with plump buttocks and red lips obviously won't let me catch a cold. The idol of the rotten wood is precisely the dying male god Lawrence Oliver in the movie.

In the 1940 version of "Pride and Prejudice," Olens and the elderly Elizabeth Grea Garson, who were in their prime, handed in a Hollywood-style answer sheet with the best comedy effect. Gloria, who was more than 30 years old, had a full image with wide apricot eyes, and the exaggerated and gorgeous bow whalebone tutu designed by the clothing director at that time. Perhaps in today’s aesthetics, she is not the daughter of a squire in a small country in England. But it is precisely the most emotional and friendly of many Elizabeths. Afterwards, all Elizabeths were surpassed and lacked charm. The pure Englishman Lawrence doesn't need to act at all. This rigid and affectionate Darcy is simply himself.

This hardcore man has worked with many beautiful actresses including his wife Vivien Leigh, but he personally thinks that the best match is Mel Oberan, who plays his childhood sweetheart Catherine in "Wuthering Heights". One is Heathcliff, who is rebellious and vengeful, and the other is a wild girl who dared to make a statement that "he is more like my own man than me". In later generations, the other person is still another woman of her own. Compared with Catherine, the stars are just pictures of tigers and cats. One is a hard man, and the other is a hard woman who is rarely seen in character and appearance. Lawrence and Meir are both match-ups in and out of the play. The latter still played a magnificent woman in the 1945 Chopin-themed patriotic biopic "An Unforgettable Song", George Sang, who has packed up the piano talents and obediently, and a generation of loli has become a royal sister, which is more and more admired. , Received a cheer in the minority; Lawrence continued his own Avenue of Stars: self-directed and self-acted movies, and Vivien Leigh loves you, hates and sorrows. A few years later, he was even nominated for Golden Plum.

Lawrence was 50 years old when he filmed "The Dragon and the Phoenix" with Monroe. The image of the crown prince in the film is not as old as the dragon bell, but the fat and pedantic image and personality really want people to say to him: Please, you are no longer The prince, not even Darcy. The director’s work distracted him from the performance. In the movie, the crown prince with Huafa on both temples would not be the girl’s dream love object. It is also the masterpiece of the 1950s gap love, "Roman Holiday" in plot and artistic conception. It is much more exciting. The elderly prince is not at all an opponent of suave but gentleman tabloid reporters. The former is a middle-aged man’s lust dream, the latter is a young girl’s Garden of Eden.

In this film collaboration, Lawrence is an artist who aspires to be a star, and Monroe is a star who aspires to be an artist. Lawrence is eager to use Monroe's popularity to gain attention, and Monroe hopes to cooperate with the acting god in exchange for the improvement of her acting skills. From the perspective of the final film, it was submerged in countless light comedy movies of the same type. Monroe fulfilled the target of sexiness and sweetness. In the film, he enthusiastically praised "he is the most handsome prince in the world", but the old prince With a slightly horizontal face and a blunt tone, and a slightly wretched look on the top, this is really a twilight hero with no charm anymore.

In 1956, Monroe began their third marriage with the playwright Arthur Miller. Their first journey together was to fly to the UK to participate in the filming of "The Dragon and the Phoenix". She is so gorgeous, she has a more mature understanding of herself, and she has her own set of skills to defend and conquer the outside world. Facing the foul language of the legendary Sir Lawrence, she would smile naturally and respond blankly: I think only Americans use this word, and you British are also very humorous. In the eyes of the 23-year-old third deputy director, Colin, Monroe is really a goddess. She smiles, raises her hands and drops her feet, undresses, hugs, and a folded back is worth it. Catch his gaze and focus on his affection; also among college students of almost the same age, Monroe has especially suffered the love of these healthy boys, just as Mr. Yoshizawa, the teacher of Cang, is loved by the otaku today. And such a woman in the eyes of 50-year-old Lawrence is: It doesn't matter if you can't act, you just play sexy. This is precisely the point that made Monroe's nervous breakdown.

At thirty, Monroe was completely predictable about her tragic fate. She laughed at Colin when she was slightly boiled in the afternoon. God, I am 30 years old and have been married three times. How did this happen? Colin comforted Monroe with words like a love book: Maybe you are just looking for someone who belongs to you. Monroe-sama smiled like a smile: They always looked like the right people at first. What a wise and mature woman.

In 1956, Vivien Leigh, who was remembered by the world as Scarlett in Gone with the Wind, was nearly 45 years old. This woman who was once proud and invincible like a cat also "appeared" in this movie. I feel that "A Week with Monroe" allows us little fans to look at the smiles and tears of these popular or fading stars in the moment of filming with a curious mentality. Those behaviors may change the trajectory of our lives in the future. When everyone was welcoming Monroe and his new husband, Vivien Leigh had already transformed into a calm and indifferent predecessor, standing aside gracefully and begging Colin to keep an eye on her husband and Monroe to prevent ambiguity. Colin puzzled: He loves you so much. Don't be silly young man, I'm 45 years old, no man can love me longer, even you.

Just as the actor who was imprisoned in the role of the alien prince in "Horror Pet Shop" was killed by his own eyes, Vivien Leigh did not escape the curse and pressure of her once beauty. She sat in the projection room and watched the performance of Meng Cai Cai and was moved to tears. Appreciation, envy, jealousy, love, complicated feelings spontaneously arise, all sincere. When Shaohua was dead, he couldn't be as calm as an outsider when he treated his husband. Three years later, they divorced. Ten years after "The Dragon and the Phoenix" was released, Vivien Lixiang disappeared.

As the fate of the superstars of the era, the movie "The Dragon and the Phoenix" will inevitably make people feel ominous. Coincidentally, Monroe was dismissed by the film company five years later, and her life was depressed and bleak, and she left as lonely as Vivien Leigh. It is said that actors are ruthless, but in fact they are emotional artists, especially these talented people, who accidentally live in the bottleneck and are difficult to pull out.

The fate of the male god is always closely related to the goddess. After the goddesses left in the 1960s, Lawrence no longer had a signature romantic drama to show up. He truly became a god, converging his handsome expression and appearing as an elder. In various movies. There must be something wrong with fate. Both the male gods and the goddesses will be wrong. When the curtain call of the life stage, they did not find each other.

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My Week with Marilyn quotes

  • Sir Owen Morshead: The Queen is sorry to have missed you.

    Marilyn Monroe: Really?

    Sir Owen Morshead: Oh, yes. Why, she was only saying to me the other day, "what must it be like to be the most famous woman on earth"?

  • Spectator: [Marilyn strikes a pose] Are you somebody, mate?

    Colin Clark: No. I'm no one.