Star Trek: Nemesis

Marie 2022-05-23 10:51:08

The Enterprise spacecraft travels in space, spreading goodwill among humans and aliens, and is also preventing possible attacks from hostile planets, because there are signs that the old rival of the Star Alliance, Luo Mulan, may launch a new round of attack. Captain Picard and his crew are also carefully observing the progress of the situation, ready to go into battle at all times.
But at this moment, the planet Luo Mulan sent out a message of peace talks, and the Star Alliance ordered the Enterprise to go to the negotiations. When Captain Picard first saw the new governor of the planet Luo Mulan, he was stunned. It turned out that the other party was Luo Mulan for a long time. In the face of this difficult opponent, what should Captain Picard and his crew do with the human replicas of Picard made in the past?

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Star Trek: Nemesis quotes

  • Praetor Shinzon: There's a word I want you to consider: Allegiance. It's something I demand from those who serve me.

    Commander Donatra: Do I serve you?

    Praetor Shinzon: Yes. And I think, faithfully. Commander Suran on the other hand... gives me pause.

    Commander Donatra: Here's another word, Praetor: Trust. Do you trust me? How far does that trust extend? How... deep... does it go? What must a commander do to prove herself faithful to you? What must a woman do?

    [she stretches her hand out to touch Shinzon's face, but he snatches it away at the last moment]

    Praetor Shinzon: You... are not a woman. You are a Romulan.

  • Praetor Shinzon: There is so much we need to talk about.

    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: I will be interested to know *what* we are talking about.

    Praetor Shinzon: Unity, Captain. Tearing down the walls between us, to recognize that we are one. I'm talking of the thing that makes us the same. Peace. We want peace.