Would you like to live in a fairy tale?

Idell 2022-10-07 13:33:24

How many girls in the world still believe in the fairy tale "Cinderella" like me? Although she does not have the beautiful appearance of Snow White, the charming temperament of Sleeping Beauty, and the great feelings of the daughter of the sea... But I like her simple and ordinary, but she has her own personality; she is optimistic and straightforward, There is no lack of the randomness of living out their own lives.

[Talk about casting]: I

really thank the director for choosing two of my most beloved actors to play my favorite fairy tale Cinderella.
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Like Anne Hathaway as always! ! From the first sight of Ella played by Anne in the film, her hazel long hair + long skirt image exudes a kind of aura like the "Princess Diary". Anne was only 22 years old at the time. There is no denying that she is very talented and can give people a natural and intimate feeling. The facts have also proved that this route established her future style before she became famous. Now she has a certain degree in Hollywood. Status, become a more proficient acting school~~
Let’s talk about Prince Charming’s Char, Hugh’s blue eyes, curly hair, and the row of teeth that laughed~~ At that time, I was just like that bunch of idiots in the movie, but I almost didn’t join the prince. The fan club is here, and I was thrilled~~ Hugh’s image gives people a gentle and elegant feeling. I have seen his performance in "Daniel's Half Life" and "Confessions of a Shopaholic". How many times I look back and smile. I instantly felt that Brad Pitt's rebelliousness and Channing Tatum's muscles were nothing! ! Just because of Hugh's English fan and his English accent, men should have the prince's temperament like Hugh, he is a Prince!

[About the plot]: For

an adapted movie, the plot cannot be copied from the original, but innovation must be outstanding!
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Ella did not be a friend like a bird, instead Elves and giants, she did not ride in a pumpkin cart or wear glass shoes as hypocritical, but these romantic clues have become the laughing point of the film. She lives in poverty and worries about her stepmother. She can go to school, and finally she can pursue pacifism and speak her own voice...
The biggest difference between the film and the original is Cinderella’s character: Cinderella is not the cowardly, modest and kind old person, if not Ella has been cursed since she was a child-she must obey what others have said. In her heart, she is a girl who dares to act, love and hate, and is optimistic and straightforward. And this spell is also the most special idea in the film.
Seeing Ella's sister order her to steal the crystal shoes, she frowned and said "I can't!!!" But because of the curse, she reached out and stuffed the shoes into the bag, which really made me laugh and cry... Ella is so unique. It's different. When others held up'I love you char!!!!', they actually shouted at the prince in such an unbelievable manner,'Refuse to fight with the giants and make peace! ', my sister's sentence'Go Home! ', and unwilling to be forced to go home because of the curse, Anne's performance in these clips is so cute, it really makes me laugh or cry... The

prince is not like the rigid and tall son in a fairy tale book, when Ella asked him'Do you have a girlfriend?' The prince burst out "I have many girlfriends..........I am kidding:)' which really laughed at me. Of course Hugh has always been famous for his romance, and his eyes alone are worth a thousand words. I still can't forget his phrase "Will you Marry me?" ! !

The most important thing is the inner drama of the two protagonists, and the tacit understanding is seamless. Ella's feeling of swallowing back every time she said something to her mouth, wanting to say that she can't say it, Anne's hesitation was acting too divinely, as if she had already talked to the prince a million times in her heart, but the reality was that she couldn't say a word. Fact...
Every time Prince Char said softly that I don't want to force you, Hugh is so into the scene, I can see that he really wants to keep Ella's entanglement in his heart, it's so vivid! !
The most connotative scene is definitely that after being ordered by someone, Ella trembling involuntarily holding a knife with tears in her eyes, ready to pierce the prince’s heart with a knife at any time, but the prince still embraces Ella affectionately. Confess to her. I held my breath, it was a bit like watching a suspense movie. However, the price of love is higher. Ella defeated the spell, no longer obeyed, dropped the knife, and happily said to the prince'I am free!!' The prince stared at her in panic,'You tried to kill me?' Hey! No matter how beautiful the love is, there are times of suspicion...

[Background factor]: An

excellent supporting role can definitely make a good film the icing on the cake.
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An ambitious and mindless uncle is a man himself The villain, trying to seize the throne, finally buckled the poisonous crown on his head and died. I can’t believe how he died so stupidly...

Cinderella’s two sisters are also bright spots, and the most funny is Ella. Married to Char, the eldest sister was still not reconciled. She looked at the couple angrily. When toasting, she pressed the second sister’s hand to prevent her from toasting. This clip also made me laugh for a long time~~

Oops, I almost forgot that Book-Banny, his existence is a joke in itself! A book with a long face. Fortunately, the director finally turned him into a person. Otherwise, he will only have his face in the photo. Friends also have a happy ending~~

There is also the godmother Lucinda, who has been casting some silly spells to make Ella obey all the time, not admitting that she was wrong at the critical moment, and unbinding Ella and sending her to the palace! sky! It was really thrilling at the time, I still want to say that she is the ultimate BOSS! ! In fact, she wants to kill the prince the most. Let me go! !

Ella's mother's sentence'Remember, no matter what anyone says or tells you to do, look to your self! What's inside you is stronger than any spell' is indispensable for the power in the whole film. There are also friends and Mandy who have been taking care of Ella. Their appearance makes Ella not so lonely.

[My thoughts]: There is

so much nonsense, I actually just want to say one thing-sister has always been no matter how "the day after tomorrow", "2012" and other disaster films are staged in the world, and no matter how "Titanic" Jack , How did Rose's life and death forced love to bombard my little mind wildly! !

Sister still believes in love! ! Sister believes in fairy-tale love at first sight! !
(More than one sentence already=////=)

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Ella Enchanted quotes

  • Slannen the Elf: Elves aren't that short you know. That's just a stupid myth created by that "Elves and the Shoemaker" story. Do I look small enough to fit in a shoe? Stinkin' Grimm Brothers!

  • Slannen the Elf: [rustling] Oh no... The rustling always comes before the screaming and the running. I *knew* this was gonna happen! They're just gonna find pieces of us scattered across the forest.

    Benny: [a rabbit hops out of the bushes] Oh, a bunny. You know, the last known case of a bunny attack was, well, *never*.