Family love, human nature, justice, redemption, father and son warmth

Sonia 2022-04-23 07:01:37

From "Papa Judge", I saw the unspeakable love of the father for the son, and the emotional changes of the son to the father: from the misunderstanding of the father at the beginning, to the concern for the father, to the They were considerate to their father, and finally the conflict was resolved, and both of them got the most sincere side of each other. I also saw the purity of brotherhood, the perseverance between lovers, the justice in the law, and the heartfelt cry (love for my hometown): I come from here!

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The Judge quotes

  • Samantha Powell: Stop staring. I know I look good.

  • Samantha Powell: Yeah, well, it's my bullshit, kindly remove your shoes from it.