
Constantin 2022-04-22 07:01:05

For Robin Williams, this may be his best curtain call, "Night at the Museum" from the first to the third Williams has always played a wax figure of President Roosevelt, and he has always been in the film. The amiable and wise man, although he is only a supporting role of many museum characters, makes people laugh at the same time as the accumulation of emotions in the film, such as the comedy films "Spiritual Drops", "Good Morning Vietnam" and "Slim Milk" that he starred in. "Dad" and so on, he has never been a clown who can only amuse people, but a master who can base himself on the depth of human nature in absurd comedies. In "Night at the Museum 3", when the dawn comes, he is frozen back to the wax figure. For a moment at least I was moved.

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Extended Reading

Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian quotes

  • Nick Daley: So you're working tonight?

    Larry Daley: Used to work every night, remember?

    Nick Daley: Yeah, that was back when you had, like, the coolest job in the world.

    Larry Daley: Well, cool doesn't pay for your Guitar God 6 or whatever.

  • Octavius: What's a flapjack?

    Jedediah: It's like a biscuit... or a scone.