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Sarai 2022-04-19 09:01:40
Franck Dotzler: I need you to step back and allow me to handle this. I got it.
Bryan Mills: What's your first priority here, Inspector?
Franck Dotzler: To arrest St. John and charge him with your ex-wife's murder.
Bryan Mills: My first priority is my daughter.
Bryan Mills: All your problems solved. All your worries over. But it didn't quite work out that way.
Stuart St. John: [hears the police coming and starts laughing] Oh, listen, Bryan. They're coming. You can't kill me now.
Bryan Mills: Oh, yeah?
Kim Mills: Dad.
Bryan Mills: I know you know a lot of people... and with a good lawyer, you'll get out of jail in a few years. And then I'll come for you. I'll find you. And we both know what's gonna happen.