Stories from the Smithsonian Institution Series Museum

Jennie 2022-04-21 09:01:37

The story of "Night at the Museum 1" takes place at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. The story of "Night at the Museum 2" takes place in the warehouse of the Smithsonian Institution series museum in Washington. The concept of the warehouse is better, huh, anyway, you don't know which museum it is. I originally viewed this film as a tour guide film, but now there will always be only a divine resemblance instead of a physical resemblance.

The Smithsonian Society, founded in 1864, was founded by the $500,000 estate of James Smithson, a scientist of British royal descent. Although this man has never been to the United States, his last wish is to donate his legacy to the United States for the expansion and popularization of knowledge. The U.S. Congress specially established this association to implement the public's last wish. There is a red castle opposite the Natural History Museum, which is the office of the association. There are currently 18 Smithsonian museums and galleries in Washington, with 140 million pieces in their collections, and less than 2 percent of which are on display daily.

I have been to Washington DC three times, and these museums are a must visit each time. On the National Mall in Washington, there are the Capitol Building and the Lincoln Memorial on both ends, and the Smithsonian Museum on both sides (marked by the blue and yellow fluttering sun), including the American Air and Space Museum, the National Gallery of Art, the National Museum of the United States Natural History Museum, American History Museum, American Indian Museum, etc. This time recently, I participated in a Chinese tour group in the east of the United States. Only gave a total of 3 hours to visit, so I reviewed the Air and Space Museum and the Natural History Museum (these two are not too mind-blowing). In the Air and Space Museum, you can see the prototype of the Wright Brothers' 1903 aircraft, as well as the small red plane across the Atlantic Ocean that the heroine in the movie made public; in the Natural History Museum, you can see the cursed donated 1988. The big diamond - the star of hope.

On this trip to the eastern United States, we have seen many museums along the way, such as those in New York and Washington. The overall feeling is that I was in a hurry, and I didn't have time to look carefully. Many historical things may have a deeper understanding based on my own understanding (such as Chinese culture, ancient Greek statues, warrior armor), and many technological and natural things also need to investigate the background Later I learned (such as the principle of turbine engines, the principle of earthquakes), and many beautifully produced English film introductions did not have time to watch (such as the story of the whale, the story of the air battle). In fact, there are always regrets. With regrets, there will be hope, and with hope, there will be motivation to come again.

In a Japanese NHK documentary, it is said that many scholars who need specimens for research (such as biology and geology) are willing to stay in these museums for research. As an amateur, I also want to live quietly in the neighborhood for half a year, and go to the museum every day to see interesting things, one by one, slowly.

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Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian quotes

  • Nick Daley: So you're working tonight?

    Larry Daley: Used to work every night, remember?

    Nick Daley: Yeah, that was back when you had, like, the coolest job in the world.

    Larry Daley: Well, cool doesn't pay for your Guitar God 6 or whatever.

  • Octavius: What's a flapjack?

    Jedediah: It's like a biscuit... or a scone.