strong empathy

Alexandria 2022-04-20 09:01:21

When Roberts was the most popular, I was still young, and I watched a few of her films, but I could neither see her beauty nor appreciate the director's good intentions. I had nothing to do yesterday, and reviewed her old movie "Never Compromise", an inspirational movie about women's independent growth. I really like this kind of inspirational movie that is natural and unpretentious. It gives people a kind of warm power. The sigh, or the old movie is good.

She has been unemployed for almost half a year, and her age is similar to Roberts in the movie, but she does not have three children. She can especially understand the embarrassment she felt in that situation, but she felt that she was not as tenacious and brave as Roberts. The title of the film "Never" Compromise" is really in line with the heroine's character, and it is also a character I admire and hope to have.

In addition to the story of the movie itself, I am also impressed by the beautiful Roberts, who has a great figure. I was dazzled by the shaking on the screen. I have to admit that my aesthetics were not very good when I was young. A kind and beautiful heart. In particular, the optimistic spirit of not giving up is really a touch of warm sunshine in winter, which is especially suitable for me to digest, absorb and nourish my body now.

In fact, it is true when you think about it. A former beauty pageant champion who has no legal foundation, through his enthusiasm and perseverance, has completed tasks that many large law firms cannot complete. Of course, the ending is good. Career, money and family have three bumper harvests, but in addition to the above, there is another most important reason for her ultimate success, that is, she truly considers and pays for others, and helps others and meets their needs with full love. This is not moral brainwashing, but the ultimate secret of the universe.

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Erin Brockovich quotes

  • Erin Brockovich: [testifying in court about her accident] I was pulling out real slow, and out of nowhere his Jaguar comes racing around the corner like a bat outta hell...


    Erin Brockovich: They took some bone from my hip and put it in my neck; I didn't have insurance so I'm about $17,000 in debt right now.


    Erin Brockovich: I couldn't take painkillers 'cause they made me too groggy to take care of my kids...


    Erin Brockovich: Matthew's eight, Katie's almost six and Beth's just nine months...


    Erin Brockovich: I just wanna be a good mom, a nice person, a decent citizen. Just wanna take good care of my kids. You know?

    Ed Masry: [quietly] Yeah... I know.

    Defending Lawyer: $17,000 in debt? Is your ex-husband helping out?

    Erin Brockovich: Which one?

    Defending Lawyer: There's more than one?

    Erin Brockovich: [becomes defensive] Yeah, there's two. Why?

    Defending Lawyer: Right, no doubt.


    Defending Lawyer: So, you must've been feeling pretty desperate that afternoon.

    Erin Brockovich: What's your point?

    Defending Lawyer: Broke, three kids, no job. A doctor in a Jaguar must've looked like a pretty good meal ticket.

    Erin Brockovich: What?

    [referring to the doctor]

    Erin Brockovich: He hit me!

    Defending Lawyer: So you say!

    Erin Brockovich: [starts yelling] He came tearing around the corner out of control!

    Defending Lawyer: [sarcastically] An ER doctor who spends his days saving lives was the one out of control...


  • Erin Brockovich: [to Ed, trying to persuade him to hire her] Now, I'm smart, I'm hard-working and I'll do anything... and I'm not leaving here without a job.


    Erin Brockovich: Don't make me beg. If it doesn't work out, fire me... But don't make me beg!