Knowledge is power~

Sven 2022-04-23 06:01:02

Although the final revenge came a bit late, and the strength was not enough.
Finally I saw the father and pushed an instrument. I thought it was the one in the hospital that detects the heartbeat and the blood pressure is always something called "Didi". I thought it was a doctor. My father was going to pay attention to the life safety of the boss while slowly torturing. He couldn’t ask for death. He said “Knowledge is power” from the bottom of his heart.
Although I didn’t expect me to torture slowly, the V587 microwave oven did shine. It also makes people feel the power of knowledge. A knife and a shallow wound can paralyze the whole body.
Compared with the new use of the microwave oven , those BOSS will only use the knife to kick and kick, and the gunshots are weak.

Finally, the ultimate boss , Really, they all kicked, beat, hammered, pushed against the opponent (the doctor's father). . . When it was my son's turn, I just plugged it in. . . decisive

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The Last House on the Left quotes

  • Francis: I hate cell phones! Everyhwere you turn nothing but texting and yakking and texting.

  • Justin: [to Mari] Sorry, they weren't supposed to be back.

    Krug: What? That's your excuse?

    Justin: Sorry.

    Krug: [sitting next to Justin] Justin, you gotta start putting other people's needs ahead of your own. You knew not to bring anybody back here, but you did it anyway, didn't you?

    Justin: Yeah, because...

    Krug: [imitating Justin] You guys weren't supposed to be here! Blah blah blah blah. But you did it. It can't be undone. Now you got to take responsibility for that action. It's as simple as that. You know how we do that?