double double five star

Keith 2022-04-23 07:01:26

That wine smells like heaven

Kubrick this glass of wine, fucking enjoyable

"Respected judges, I have been ashamed of being a human being several times, this is one such case, it is impossible for me to make a summary statement for the defense, the court has not given me the opportunity to make a statement, I protest I was prevented from presenting evidence that was vital to the defense, the prosecution did not present any witnesses, there was simply no written indictment, and ended up protesting that there was no shorthand record for this trial. Yesterday morning's attack was not the glory of France The stain, of course, is not a national shame, but this military court, such a stain such a shame, the trial of these people is a mockery of human justice. Honourable judges, to judge these people guilty will be your sin, and will be for life Haunting you until you die. I can't believe that the most noble human compassion for others has completely died here. there I hungry beg you show mercy to these man "

You are so good I can't speak

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Extended Reading

Paths of Glory quotes

  • [first lines]

    Narrator of opening sequence: War began between Germany and France on August 3rd 1914. Five weeks later the German army had smashed its way to within eighteen miles of Paris. There the battered French miraculously rallied their forces at the Marne River and in a series of unexpected counterattacks drove the Germans back. The front was stabilized then shortly afterwards developed into a continuous line of heavily fortified trenches zigzagging their way five hundred miles from the English Channel to the Swiss frontier. By 1916, after two grisly years of trench warfare, the battle lines had changed very little. Successful attacks were measured in hundreds of yards, and paid for in lives, by hundreds of thousands.

  • [last lines]

    [Col. Dax listens to his regiment humming in the tavern]

    Sgt. Boulanger: Sir?

    Colonel Dax: Yes, sir.

    Sgt. Boulanger: We have orders to move back to the front immediately.

    Colonel Dax: Well give the men a few minutes more, Sergeant.

    Sgt. Boulanger: Yes, sir.