
Alta 2022-04-22 07:01:05

Rapunzel was imprisoned by witches in a tower because of the magic power of her hair, and she claimed to be her mother and imprisoned her for 18 years. Finally, one day, a young man named Eugene came here, brought the princess out, and let the princess see the sky lantern she dreamed of. But the witch tricked the princess back into the tower. But the princess also discovered her identity and rebelled against the witch. Eugene came to rescue the princess but was plotted by the witch. In order to save the princess, she took the opportunity to cut off the princess' long hair. The witch showed her true colors, fell off the tower and fell to her death. Eugene was also resurrected under the princess' tears. The story of the seemingly old-fashioned princess and prince, but I read it with relish. I like every character in it, Rapunzel, Eugene, the naughty chameleon, the powerful white horse, the robbers with dreams, and even the witch, although she is very selfish, she has raised the princess for 18 years and will give her To make her favorite soup, and to travel thousands of miles to buy paint for her.

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Enchanted quotes

  • Robert: So, what's the deal with this prince of yours? How long you been together?

    Giselle: [wistfully] Oh, about a day.

    Robert: You mean it feels like a day because you're so in love.

    Giselle: No, it's been a day.

    Robert: You're kidding me. A day? One day?

    Giselle: Yes.

    [wistful again]

    Giselle: And tomorrow it will be two days.

    Robert: You're joking.

    Giselle: No. I'm not.

    Robert: Yeah, you are.

    Giselle: But I'm not.

    Robert: You're gonna marry somebody after a day? Because you fell in love with him?

    Giselle: Yes.


    Giselle: Yes!

    Robert: [laughs as she drags him away]

  • Giselle: What about you? How long have you known your Nancy?

    Robert: Uh, five years.

    Giselle: And you haven't proposed?

    Robert: Well, no, I...

    Giselle: Well no wonder she's angry.

    Robert: Well...