I had a dream one day

Freddy 2022-04-19 09:01:29

One day, I had a dream

that the whole earth was covered with water and ashes. All kinds of strange ships were sailing, and the scene was grand. Dead people were thrown into a sticky and bubbling pool. Everyone wanted to find them. I finally found the land and

woke up and told my roommate that she said it was a movie. What is it called... I

found an old movie in the water world in the future. I found it and it was an old movie for the last century.

After many years, I dreamed of you. I give you five stars

, I don't know if it is a key plot that everyone found the land in the end, but I still tick it for insurance reasons.

Many people say it is postmodern? I don't have a concept, but I think it's still quite up to date in today's opinion. In 1995, I was only 2 years old and didn't know what a movie was...

Many people said that it hurts a lot. In fact, it's only for what we don't like. I will criticize it. How bad is it? No matter how bad it is for the things we love, it is still the baby who prefers it. I have a different position with those who talk about

it . dreamed about it after many years

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Waterworld quotes

  • Deacon: How 'bout a cigarette? Nothing like a good smoke when you miss your mom... Never too young to start...

  • Deacon: Maybe he doesn't answer to Chuck. Call him Charles.