What are you doing outside my eyelids?

Keanu 2022-04-23 07:01:38

What do pets do when their owners are away? Oh, it's a really good subject, animation always teaches people to see the world from a different angle, and it's not complicated at all. This type of animation always scans the world from completely different perspectives of animals or objects, which is full of childlike interest and is suitable for all ages.


So what exactly are they doing when their owners aren't home? "The Secret Pets" can be regarded as the animal version of "Toy Story". When they are not in the owner's sight, they show a very contrasting side, and as the plot progresses, it is derived into a rescue adventure, and eventually becomes a cliché 's home search.

The routine is indeed an old routine, nothing new, but even such a vulgar story, it still uses wonderful pictures and interesting bridges to tell old stories in new ways. The secret is - resonance - you can also imagine of those possible.

Some of them have sneaked out to play, and when you come home, it seems to be standing there waiting for you; they will gather to discuss the favors and embarrassment of their masters, like aunts and aunts discussing their little nephew ; Some will keep complimenting their appearance to get more attention and love from their owners; they may also open the refrigerator to secretly eat your meat and cakes, massage with your egg beater, and turn on the TV to fantasize about the vast world. In short, your nine-to-six is ​​also their nine-to-six, but it was a time when they waited, or were free and comfortable, or extremely boring.

There are a lot of candid videos on the Internet, monitoring what pets are doing when the owner is away, and some seem to be really thoughtful.


It's just that, as the owner, you may not know much about these "players". In the character setting, a lot of external and internal conflicts are used to enrich the character's personality. This is a creative method, or maybe it is true.

Mike, a very clingy pet dog, feels good about himself, but he is actually very inferior.

Xiaobai, the leader of the army of abandoned pets in New York City, how cute he is on the outside, how crazy he is on the inside.

Du Boss, with a mighty and sturdy body, is actually very insecure.

Tweet Tweet, there is a pure man's heart in the body of the gentle and lovely cute girl.

Li Ao, a fashionable poodle, the owner of the front foot is still playing Vivaldi's "Four Seasons: Spring" in a high-profile manner, and as soon as the owner of the back foot leaves, it cuts the channel to the heavy rock band "Degenerate System".

These settings make the characters interesting and full of tension, and advance the development of events in contradictions.


In appearance, dogs are dog-like, cats are cat-like, and rabbits are rabbit-like. They are basically prototypes, which make you feel the real world of cute pets. If someone wants to complain about its lack of creativity, it is also a bit injustice. After all, it is a form, and there is no such thing as good or bad. Anyway, the shape design is really sprouting, oh, cute guy, my heart is softened.

Even the villain doesn't make you hate it at all, in addition to the natural cute appearance, but also because there must be something pitiful behind the hateful. It is like an invisible cycle. Humans abandon animals, animals become villains, they meet humans who love them, and villains return to the arms of humans. The once lofty ambitions and blood feuds are all forgotten. The irony is that if you can't eat grapes, you say grapes are sour. How pathetic the animals seem at this time, as if they were born to be human pets, and they both recognize this and enjoy it.

In fact, don't talk so much that humans should respect the nature of animals. I think that many animals are born with pet attributes. They enjoy it, and that may be the best short life for them. Therefore, loving them is the best way to get along. Got it.

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The Secret Life of Pets quotes

  • Snowball: Who are we? *Who* are *we*? We are the Flushed Pets. Thrown away by our owners and now we are out for revenge! It's like a club, but with biting and scratching.

  • Duke: Don't make me angry, because when I get angry, I do this...


    Duke: ... and I hate doing that.