Are you worthy of her best side?

Crawford 2022-12-28 20:41:19

There is no doubt that it is understandable to describe Marilyn Monroe's life as a legend. She was abandoned by her biological father when she was born. Her mother suffered from mental illness and was unable and unwilling to raise this daughter. During her childhood, she moved through more than a dozen foster families. She was violated by her adoptive father at the age of 13. In order to get out of this life as soon as possible, she At the age of 16, she couldn't wait to get married and married a small person who was incompatible with her future self. In her short life, she had two beautiful marriages and countless horrifying scandals. Whether it is a baseball star, a well-known playwright, an actor, or the Kennedy brothers, these big figures who can call the wind and rain in their respective fields are all embellishments of this woman's life. The world's highest evaluation of women is not beauty, virtuousness, or cleverness. , But a fairy. It's a pity that Marilyn dreams of being a fairy in the open air, but has not cultivated the heart of a fairy. BTW, Elizabeth Taylor is so perfect. At the end of the day, in 1962, she was alone, lying mysteriously in the bedroom of the Braden apartment in Los Angeles. There are different reasons for her death, and she was only 36 years old.
To be honest, this ending is considered to be a fulfillment for the legend. She has struggled with vanity, desire, fame and fortune, and conspiracy all her life, until she died. The costumes she wore were filmed in the 1960s. The sky-high price of US$1.3 million; the cover photo of the first issue of Playboy that she took was sold at Christie’s in the United States on December 8, 2010, and it was highly anticipated; including her assistant when she filmed The Dragon and the Phoenix in the UK in 1956 The memoirs I wrote have all sold well since 1995, so this adapted film-"A Week Between Me and Marilyn Monroe".
Do people really want to learn about Marilyn, or do they just want to find out more about the secret insider behind the blonde and red lip poster girl, as an after-dinner conversation? Either way, this movie can give you something to gain.
The film does not evade Marilyn’s criticized alcoholism and medication problems. She relies on alcohol to anaesthetize herself, “take medicine to sleep, take medicine to get up, take medicine to calm down, take medicine to refresh”, including her willfulness and suspiciousness, and her arrogance. All these are enough to provide Daoists with a lot of critical capital, but in the final analysis, she is just a child who needs to be affirmed and recognized, or to quote her saying, "I am just an ordinary girl who longs to be loved."
In fact, the word ordinary should be insulated from Marilyn. She is so radiant. It seems that the sunshine of all California is in love with her. It is bright and joyful and ecstatic. She is the goddess we have chased in those years. . Some people like her glamorous posters more than her movies. I prefer her delicate attitude between her gestures, her voice is sweet and soft, she is naturally sexy, plump, full of vitality, and even worse, She was still very young at the time, and years had never taken away her youth, only her charm was added. Lawrence Oliver told the truth to his assistant Colin "I thought that working with Monroe would bring back my youth. I look like a dead person in the photo, with lifeless eyes. I want to get a new life through her, but that one is absolutely beautiful. But her face can only reflect my flaws." Look, such a strong man is coveting her energy, no wonder the peerless beauty Vivien Leigh also has doubts about the husband who performed the movie with Marilyn. The lingering jealousy and anxiety made her cry when she watched Marilyn's radiant performance in the screening room-fairies are the natural enemy of all women, even if you once had an angelic face.
Marilyn’s sexy is innate, and so is her acting skills. She has never received any performance training, but she has a precise sense of lens. She is clever and sensitive. "An actress must be extremely strong to achieve one-tenth of her "Achievement", but this is also where she has always been suspicious of herself. She needs her acting skills to be affirmed by academic actors like Lawrence Oliver. Before the start, Lawrence showed her charm on the crew and delivered a high-sounding speech-"Hope art will never cease, and movies will never die." As a top student of the Academy of Performing Arts, the Shakespeare prince style he casually revealed is exactly what Marilyn really hopes for own. In fact, both Queen Sybil and Vivien Leigh had praised her performance in person in the film. Admired by her peers, Marilyn was as excited as a shy child and speechless. But Lawrence Oliver was stingy to express this kind of praise. Marilyn’s superb perception of negative emotions made her clearly see his inner contempt through Lawrence’s hypocritical smile and polite—" Just try to sell as sexy as you can, why don't you do this!" Little Colin said, "Sir Oliver's pain is that he is a great actor, but he wants to be a movie star, and you are in pain. The thing is, you are a superstar, but you want to be a great actor. This movie can’t fulfill the dream of the two of you.” Indeed, the movie "You Long Xi Feng" is based on the characteristics of these two actors. Tailor-made, Lawrence plays the crown prince, still has to carry his royal family and nobles, unable to walk down the altar, Marilyn plays the folk singer, she is all innocent, she really does not need any acting skills, to be her Just do it by yourself. So, how to transform? So Lawrence and self-denying Marilyn, who tortured each other and shared weal and woe, "actively" provided material for the memoirs of the assistant Colin.
In the eyes of this newcomer who entered the film industry, Marilyn was a goddess in the sky, but all sorts of opportunities allowed him to walk into the life of this goddess and see her full of fireworks. He saw her fragility, her melancholy, her unconfidence, and her boredom. When no one could trust her, he showed his sincerity and sincerity, and he also got the coveted dependence, although only short A short week.
Many people have warned Colin: Be careful, don't get too deep, don't think you know how much you know her, don't try to save her, Marilyn doesn't need anyone to save her! But what is the use of warnings? Who can resist, the goddess in her heart walks with you alone in the eyes of the public, as if you are the only one in this world; who can resist, she swims naked with you in the lake, secretly kissing you lightly, like an elf The laughter haunted the forest; who could resist it, she was whispering, eager to get a hug from behind, as if she would not have to stand alone against the world. You think you are everything to her, in fact, you are just everything to her at that moment. Marilyn Monroe is the kind of Hu Lancheng lover Mizuki said. They have their own cuteness and know how to control these abilities to make people fascinated, but they are not good lovers. , Don't care about causing any harm to others. As the old Youtiao in love, Lawrence said, "I would never believe the rhetoric of the'lost girl', although it sounds so credible, she knows exactly what she is doing." Yes, sexiness may be natural, but How to show these lively fragrances requires a certain amount of skill. Colin took Marilyn to Windsor Castle. There were many onlookers. Marilyn was in a good mood. She smiled back and asked Colin, "Should I be her? (Should I be her?) "Should I be her?" Hold your head up, put on a classic pose, blow kisses and dance, so that the sentient beings are confused and willing to stop. Perhaps the cheers and pets of these people are the energy that Marilyn really needs, just as people want to get vitality from her.
One week passed quickly. For Marilyn, she got what she wanted, and for Colin, it’s just that while Colin got the sweet memories of eternal life, she also left the pain of unforgettable growth. He Ke Lin used to be ambiguous, but Marilyn's clothing assistant Lucy asked him: ——Did

she break your heart?
-One point
-good, because it needs to be hurt.

A young heart must have such experience.
Michelle Williams plays Marilyn Monroe, who looks like 90 points, and the 10 points are deducted from the lack of fullness and the unpleasant look-up pattern. It is said that before the filming, she deliberately put on Marilyn Monroe's clothes and makeup at home to open the door to the postman and the courier, and adjusted her state from their feedback. She was very dedicated, which is why she filmed this film. The static posters are amazing for the reason. In the performance, she was actually very attentive. She raised her hands and made a lot of charm, but she always felt that the corners of her eyes and brows had a forbearance and sophistication, especially when she laughed, she was not as naive and heartless like Marilyn Monroe herself. Sorry, it looks like 70 points.
Kenneth Branagh as the Duke of Lawrence Oliver, the ex-husband of the talented British woman Emma Thompson, is also the golden watch in "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", the role of the defeated magic lesson teacher, acting Appropriate, but due to the needs of the plot, Lawrence was tortured crazy by the filming process. You know, he is known as an aristocratic actor who thinks in Shakespeare's drama lines, which somewhat hurts the gentleman's demeanor. :)
This is the first time Emma Watson, the actor of Hermione in the "Harry Potter" series, has appeared in other films. The transformation is 100% successful, and she can't find the role she has been involved in for 10 years. I really admire the casting director of "HP" that year. Not only did he catch his eye on this beauty, he also found an excellent actor for the film industry.
It seems to be the same as the "HP" series, except for the above two, Marilyn's acting teacher Paula is the female Quidditch flight teacher with short silver hair who appeared in "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" . Marilyn's agent, Arthur, played Toby Jones, who was the actor who dubbed Dobby the house elf.
I have never liked Julia Ormond. From the beginning of "The Years of Love", I have never felt how this hunky, broad-faced woman with deep eyebrows can make the three brothers, including Brad Pitt, be overwhelmed and come to "The New Dragon and Phoenix". , Harrison Ford and Greg Kinnear were added to the list of madness. This time she plays Vivien Leigh, who has passed away. The skeleton seems to be smaller, but the wrinkles have increased exponentially. I can't help but admit that her temperament is still relatively noble, but she can't really admire her looks.
The old drama bone Judy Dench played Dame Sybil (Dame Sybil), the lady who played the Queen Mother in "The Dragon and the Phoenix", who contributed the best British style in the film.
I don't like the male protagonist Colin's children's shoes. I don't like the looks and acting very much. Do not comment.
I don’t like things I don’t like, but this does not prevent "A Week Between Marilyn and Me" from becoming a good movie in my heart. The actors have their own vividness, and the film’s delicate and rhythmic sense is impeccable, especially the photography. Moving, Marilyn and Colin hugged in the sunset by the lake, the shadows of the trees shrouded in mottled, as if the whole world was at ease. like. Just like Monroe once said, "If you can't deal with the worst side of me, then you don't deserve the best side of me."

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My Week with Marilyn quotes

  • Sir Owen Morshead: The Queen is sorry to have missed you.

    Marilyn Monroe: Really?

    Sir Owen Morshead: Oh, yes. Why, she was only saying to me the other day, "what must it be like to be the most famous woman on earth"?

  • Spectator: [Marilyn strikes a pose] Are you somebody, mate?

    Colin Clark: No. I'm no one.