Zhang Chengzhi: The real person is X

Kaitlyn 2022-05-23 19:02:22

In 1987, in my novel "Golden Ranch", I not only exaggeratedly praised Martin Luther King, a nonviolent member of the African American civil rights movement, but also falsely praised American Puritanism. The "American Dream" involved in this book, the chopped-out Dvorak symphony, and a serious talk about Columbus are all superficial and unforgivable.

This is frustrating. It makes people feel: the world is so complicated, knowing it is like a blind person touching an elephant. Can we understand the world?

I bought an old book ten years ago with the title "The Autobiography of Malcolm X" [Note]. I bought it because someone recommended it, but I haven't read it since I bought it, and it has been delayed until not long ago.

This is an autobiography of a black American leader in the 1960s.

Speaking of black leaders, many people know the famous Martin Luther King. After he was assassinated, Chairman Mao Zedong issued a message of condolence. The famous sentence (to the effect): The capitalist system rose with the crime of trafficking in slaves, and it will also perish with the complete liberation of the black race-it was once At that time, the world's loudest support for the black liberation movement. And Martin Luther King’s famous place lies in his "nonviolence"-this is a popular doctrine to this day.

Martin Luther King did not form an image for the Chinese, but his doctrine, but for some reason, was taken care of by the Chinese. Although there is no statistical survey, his doctrine is indeed a subconscious judgment principle of the world in today's Chinese intellectuals. It should be said that this principle is almost exactly the same as that of intellectuals in the White House.

However, Chairman Mao’s message of condolences clearly expressed his disagreement on this kind of non-violence. Chairman Mao said: Martin Luther King Jr. insisted on the principle of non-violence throughout his life, but he was killed by the violence of the United States. His message of condolences has a very serious and very theoretical objection to Martin Luther King’s famous path.

In 1987, when I traveled to Laomei, I found that every big city had an alley (by no means a main street, so it was called an alley) named "Martin Luther King Road". At that time, I felt that Chairman Mao had an unexplained philosophical profoundness-non-violence can completely be used as a signboard or whitewash of the system; it has such a slavish spirit that it expresses justice through inferiority and makes young people feel uncomfortable. .

It is another kind of person who will never be made a Hutong brand by the Yankees. Who is it? All true heroes in history are nameless X, but this one among the African Americans has a real name X.

Malcolm X is a figure in a complex movement. It is impossible for me to elaborate. He is another black leader who is ideologically opposed to Pastor Martin Luther King Jr., a black leader recognized by the American system (and strongly supports Pastor King’s civil rights movement in action). In the summer of 1965, three years earlier than Pastor Kim, he was assassinated on the lectern.

This year, I not only read this autobiography carefully, but also read other materials about him. The charm of X held me for a long time, it was a hot charm. That's a way that you can't not be attracted. It is a thought that makes people tend to it like moths and throws fire, but because it is too real, it makes people feel that it is heresy.

I feel increasingly that I have to introduce the Malcolm X story to people, even if I feel superficial someday. However, my instinct tells me that I can't go wrong this time, and I think only this kind of "world knowledge" is worth writing. Because his things, his spirit and his temperament are not irrelevant to us. What is incomprehensible is that he, who is already common knowledge in the world, has yet to get a basic introduction in China.

This part of the black people believes that every mixed black American, looking back to the roots, may have been born in the belly of a black slave who was raped by a white. Therefore, the original African surnames of blacks have been deprived and forgotten, and the surnames of black Americans are actually unclear. Before getting rid of the branded surname imposed by the white man and finding his "soul surname" again, the black surname should be X.

Malcolm X wrote excitedly: "I hate-the blood of the man who committed the rape that ran in my body until the last drop!" He declared his surname X.

The strong fashion caused by this move has not stopped. Blacks changed their surnames to X, wear hats with X, and wear shirts with X. This year’s thinking caused by the Los Angeles incident and the performance of Malcolm X’s biographical film , It's eye-catching again.

They firmly believe that "non-violence" is not the path to liberation. They regard racial discrimination against blacks in American society as the ugliest and most sinful thing of mankind. Anti-discrimination-this proposition appeared again in the 1990s. Chinese people may not feel how severe the discrimination against people in the West is. The Chinese who are struggling in Western countries only seek to get rid of discrimination and do not oppose the discriminatory world. Therefore, the country is not sufficiently aware of the danger of discrimination and hostility, and its approach.

Malcolm X and his dark partners further denied the dominant English Puritan Christianity in the United States. They develop their own ideas at the ultimate point, thinking that they should part ways with systems that discriminate against the poor at the point of their fundamental beliefs.

This is not the invention of Malcolm X. In the 1960s, a trend of religious thought emerged in the African American movement; that is, a break with the inhumane white supremacy of the United States at the root of faith. This trend of thought is of course related to the temperament of the blacks and their historical characteristics: although they were horribly enslaved, they did not produce a special betrayal class like the tradition of traitors in China. In response to the racial discrimination of the white race, they fiercely promoted the noble viewpoint of the black race. This point of view must be spoken through the mouth of God-Islam has been chosen.

This is the resume of the "black Muslim" movement that emerged among the black Americans. It can be said that we do not understand the law of this movement. Because intellectuals in the field of China studies are busy studying the Anglo-Saxon spirit that gave China an Opium War, almost no one knows the black Muslims in the United States, including the 20 million Muslims in China.

And the scale of this movement is amazing: by the 1980s, millions of blacks in the United States had believed in or converted to Islam. Mosques in the United States are spread across the vast North American continent; the number of black Muslims that have developed in just a few decades is said to be almost close to the number of black Muslims that have developed in China since the seventh century. Number of Muslims.

The most famous in the history of development is that a world-famous boxing champion entered the religion; and he switched to the religious name "Muhammad Ali". This is a name derived from the spirit of the Ten-Leaf School represented by Iran, which makes the United States a major enemy.

Before and after boxing champion Ali believed in Islam, Malcolm X also converted to Islam. When the black Muslim movement in the United States gradually became institutionalized and docile, Malcolm X jumped out with charming determination and became the clear banner of the black American movement.

He did not take a step back and advocated the most thorough fight against violence and racial discrimination against blacks in the United States. He doesn't use a piece of iron, he has never touched a bullet, he only uses this weapon. But he advocated resistance. He spoke everywhere, and people were overwhelmed by his charm. He quickly became famous in the early 1960s, his great dignity brought him eloquence, and speech became his main activity.

I am not a translator, but the following paragraphs must be translated.

He said that we did not climb the rock that makes America proud of the New World. It was the rock that rode our head.

He said that the white man asked: Why do black people hate white people? The rapist asked the woman: Why do you hate me? The wolf also asked the sheep: "Do you hate me?"

He said, my ancestors were bitten by snakes, and I was bitten by snakes. When I warned the children to beware of snakes, they said that I taught people to hate. why is that?

He said, if you don’t believe me, please take a look at your own life. Look at the life around you. It can't be just because of your bad luck. Go to the Midtown neighborhood near Central Park to see what the white man’s god has brought to the white man, and see what kind of life the white man leads. Go and see the white man’s apartment, company, and skyscraper; from one end to the other, look at the Manhattan Island that the white man had never doubted about and bought for twenty-four dollars!

He said, no, the revolution is not about parks and toilets without discrimination, or the freedom to sit next to white people in the toilet. That is not a revolution.

-For us, these languages ​​are not unfamiliar. It's just that we have almost lost the minimum confidence in them. As for him, his charm has formed. But his path has obviously not been found yet.

Where is the road?

A hajj to Mecca discarded the extreme things in Malcolm X's thoughts.

In Mecca, when seeing Muslims of different skin colors and different languages ​​are completely like brothers, when seeing people of different races not only may not discriminate against each other and reciprocate; but they may also have a great common purpose and ideal, Malcolm. X's ideological system has undergone a major change. In the famous Mecca correspondence, he wrote about his touches and leaps. He deeply chose the path of excluding black nationalism that did not discriminate against whites, and began to support all black movements of different factions.

When the white Nazi organizations in the United States fought against Martin Luther King’s non-violent civil rights movement, Malcolm X wrote to their leader:

warning you. We are not bound by the Black Mullin movement in the battle against white supremacy. In Alabama, if you, under the instigation of racism, physically infringe upon Pastor Kim’s black Americans who only demand the rights of free people, then you and your friends, KKK, will Receive the maximum revenge from us, who cannot satisfy the philosophy of non-violence and non-armedness, and are prepared to exercise self-defense regardless of all means.

In a bigger incident, he expressed his views on the assassination of then US President Kennedy.

At that time, the leaders of the Black Muslim Movement avoided attacks and demanded that all blacks remain silent about Kennedy's assassination. But Malcolm X was chosen for an uncancellable, scheduled lecture. He was pushed to the fore by history, unable to avoid questions from reporters like his peers.

When asked about his views on Kennedy's assassination, he replied: "This is a good example of the murderer against himself." What he meant was that he didn't regret Kennedy's assassination, he was saying There is a kind of hatred and malice towards people among white Americans, who have long vented on the cruelty of blacks and cannot satisfy them. This crime has finally spread to his own President White.

But the terminology can be extremely misunderstood. Recently, SpikeLee made the blockbuster "Malcom X" after the blacks in Los Angeles were brutally beaten by the white police and caused chaos. This controversial English sentence was replayed repeatedly in the film. Undoubtedly, this statement has committed a great evil in the world, and the public opinion in the United States has become uproarious. He was portrayed as a black demon. This incident made the Theblack Muslims movement in the United States feel obliged to avoid suspicion; this is also one of the reasons why his enlightenment and black Muslim leaders parted ways with him. I can feel that the attack on him by the American society that loves the system and Kennedy may be quite terrifying. However, I think what he said was great, not only brave and hit the nail on the head, but also full of literary flavor. (If we "hard translate" the original text, it is not appropriate, but we can get one sentence: the chickenscominghometoroost--"chickenscominghometoroost--"chickenscominghometoroost".)

Just as he tried to separate from the black Muslim movement that is stepping towards fundamentalism and institutionalism, When attempting to build a new Islamic center and a black sports center in Harlem, New York's world-famous black slum district, a criminal burst of fire killed him on the pulpit.

Not long ago, before he finished writing this autobiography, he said: "When this book was published, if I was still alive, it would be a miracle." The autobiography wrote that in the summer of 19**, he died on Friday the following year. moon. The book was compiled in June of that year, but his prediction was correct; he did not see his autobiography published.

This is a hint of omission. This is not a prophecy or premonition, but a clear judgment. No one knows how close the danger is better than the dead; it's just that they didn't hear the hint. X didn't hold back his "weakness" when uttering this hint, but the world - waiting for him to step onto the dead forum.

The editor of his autobiography recorded an incident in the preface. Once, Malcolm X visited his home as a guest. After the guest left, his wife thought for a long time, and then told the editor that it was like having just had tea with a black panther.

-This series of fresh and crisp thoughts and behaviors strongly tempted me. X made me see a pure example.


In any case, we must understand the world. And it is very difficult to figure out the boring and complicated foreign issues by oneself.

Due to language barriers, translators need to be used as an intermediary first, but translators vary from person to person; the views and materials they deliver are all branded with them. The problem is not their level, but that they have received a special education-many of them are not only accustomed to scornful of the culture based on their mother tongue, but also the foreign view in their minds is often conservative Economism, scientism and institutionalism. We must learn from the outside world. But the truth and the real person are unknown X, and you have to find it yourself.

But searching for it by ourselves is very dangerous; when we look for it, we actually have a vague conclusion or purpose, and we are already looking for a basis for one of our feelings. There is really no objective world, and our motivations and longings are guiding us to understand the world.

I don’t have to guarantee that I’m correct this time. I just want to say that the subjective feelings I wrote about Malcolm X are what I am deeply yearning for. I really, deeply love his fierce blood. Change a descriptive vocabulary, this is self-esteem that is more precious than life.

I can't help but feel that without such self-esteem, bloodliness, and human instinct-human beings are inferior to animals, and there is no beauty at all. I don't know if people accept the above thoughts. I don't know whether our ancient China should accept the above thoughts. I just feel that this is the thought of self-help.

Perhaps, his details are not important. I sometimes ponder my process of approaching this thought. Or only my own trajectory-from the inexplicable interest in the "American Dream" and Pastor Kim, to the solo reading of Malcolm X; from simply worshiping the world to intensely falling in love with heresy ; From foolishly wanting to use them as a teacher, to fiercely wanting to fight against them-only this trajectory has meaning.

It is a pity that Chairman Mao’s precious messages of condolences, including those famous lines, were not sent to Malcolm X. For the chairman, all he wants to express is his views on racial oppression and so-called non-violence. I guess that maybe it was the negligence of the secretaries and experts to not introduce this autobiography and Malm X to Chairman Mao. There is no doubt that Mao Zedong will like Malcolm X.

To my comfort, the "People's Daily" published an article that year, stating that "Malcam X was fighting for the liberation of 23 million black Americans" and that "the oppressors of imperialism can only be treated with violence." Resist violence". This article is very important, it makes China after all show the Chinese tolerance.

As for Malcolm X, what I admire is his dignified charm.

In my subjective and meditation impression, he is indeed like a noble and dangerous panther, a black figure standing upright, and a black letter X in the front. I often feel that he is a great reference for us; it is definitely not only for Muslims, but for Chinese youth. Attachment

in May 1994

: Malcolm speech recording and speech selection

Malcolm X-a black leader who was assassinated before Martin Luther King. A speech that can express the beauty of English, not pretentious or hypocritical is not a dream, but a clarion call for battle.

"We are all blacks, so-called Nigros, second-class citizens, descendants of slaves. You are nothing but the descendants of slaves. .You don’t like such a title, but what else can you be? You are the offspring of a slave. When you came, you were not on a'Mayflower', you were on a slave ship. His body was tied full of chains, like a cow or horse. You were brought by those who came here on the'Mayflower', the so-called'Puritan,' the founding fathers.".

"The white people sent you to South Korea, and you fought in blood. They sent you to Germany, and you fought in blood. They sent you to the South Pacific to fight the Japanese, and you fought in blood. Your blood was shed for the white people. But from your hometown. The church was blown up, your little daughter was murdered, and you did not bleed for them. You bleed because the white people told you to shed, you bite because the white people told you to bite, and you called because the white people told you to scream. I hate to say that We ourselves, but this is the case. How can you say something to be non-violent in Mississippi, but you use violence when you are in Korea? How can you say that non-violence in Mississippi and Alabama is justified and your church was bombed for you 'S daughter was killed? At the same time, do you still use violence against Hitler, Tojo, and so many people you don’t know?”

“If violence is wrong in the United States, then violence is also true outside. If violence is used to protect black women , Black children, black babies are wrong, then the United States should not drag us abroad and use violence to protect it. If the United States drags us abroad and teaches us to use violence to protect it is correct, then in this country, You and I are right to use all necessary methods to protect our compatriots."

"I saw an article when I was in jail-don't be surprised, you are also in jail now. This is the United States-prison."

"I said. With so many examples of revolution, I just want to tell you-there is no peaceful revolution. There is no revolution that'turns another face', and there is no such thing as a non-violent revolution."

"There used to be two kinds of slaves, one was the slave in the house, the other was the slave in the field. The slaves in the house lived in the house with their master, dressed very well and ate very well, because they ate. It's his thing, he eats the rest. They live in the attic or basement, but in any case they are closer to the owner. They love the owner more than the owner loves them. The owner said, "Our house is really good." They too Say:'Yes, our house is really good.' If you say to him,'Come on, let's run and get out.' He will say,'What, are you crazy?! What are you talking about, run? Where do I find such a good house? Where do I wear such good clothes? Where do I eat so many delicious foods? "This is the slave in the house. They used to be called the "Negro in the house". Now we I still call him that because there are many people like this around us. He is willing to spend three times the money to buy a house in order to be close to the owner, and then brags, "I am the only black man here." I am the only one in the school. Negro.'You are nothing, you are just a Negro in the house. If someone says to you,'Let's leave here.' You will say,'What? Leave here? Leave America, and these kind white people? Where are you going to find a better job than here? Africa has nothing to do with me. "You would say that, because you have lost your spirit in Africa."

"The slave owner left Tom and gave him beautiful clothes, good food, and even Let him go to school—just a little, give him a long trench coat and a top hat, and let other slaves look up to him. Then he uses Tom to control them. They are still doing this to this day, the same white people, pick a Negro, he preached, he was hailed as celebrities. then he became the spokesman for Negro leader. "

(Malcolm · X above is taken from a speech of" massage to the grass roots ". )

there The white man said, "Why do you advocate black hegemony and why do you teach people hate?" Ask these questions."

On February 21, 1965, three gunmen rushed to Malcolm X's podium and fired 15 consecutive shots at him at close range. Malcolm X, 39, died on the way to the hospital.

Three years later, on April 4, 1968, Martin Luther King was hit by a bullet on the balcony of the hotel. This year, he was 39 years old, the same age as when Malcolm X was assassinated.

For 40 years, the name of Malcolm X has been accompanied by waves of the black civil rights movement. He is a leader of the same fame as Martin Luther King, and they share the same beliefs as well as major differences. He opposes non-violence and advocates fighting for a tooth. In China, his popularity is less than one-tenth that of Martin Luther King.

“I’m not here today as a Republican or as a Democrat. It’s not Mason or Ike. It’s not a Protestant. It’s not a Catholic. It’s not a Christian or a Jew. In fact, I’m not even American. People, because if I were an American, then the current racial problem shouldn’t exist at all. I must stand here as a black person today. Before there were Republicans and Democrats, we were black; Before a certain Mason or Ike, we were black; before Judaism or Christianity, we were black; in fact, before there was the United States, we were black; after the United States disappeared in the future, we were still black.”

In 1992, Spike · Lee (Spike Lee) directed "Kuroshio-Malkan X". At the end of the film, at Malcolm's funeral, Spike Lee said: "Some people say he is full of hatred, a fanatic, a racist, and will only bring demons, watching us struggle in it. We will answer," Have you talked with Malcolm? You have touched him, did he smile at you? Have you really listened to what he said? Did he really have anything to do with violence or any social riots? If you have tried, you will know him; if you know him, you will know why we must honor him. ... We believe that we are not just a person buried in the soil, but a seed. We will meet again, and by then we will know that he was once and will be-a prince. "

On August 6, 1963, Malcolm X held up a newspaper at a rally in New York with the headline: "We Can't Wait for Freedom". ()

"Some people call this hate education. This is not hate education." , This is the education of love. If I don't love you, I won't tell you this; if I don't love you, I won't stand up. "

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Malcolm X quotes

  • Brother Earl: I just assumed...

    Malcolm X: Don't *assume* anything, brother!

  • Eulogy Performer: Here - at this final hour, in this quiet place - Harlem has come to bid farewell to one of its brightest hopes - extinguished now, and gone from us forever. For Harlem is where he worked and where he struggled and fought - his home of homes, where his heart was, and where his people are - and it is, therefore, most fitting that we meet once again - in Harlem - to share these last moments with him. For Harlem has ever been gracious to those who have loved her, have fought her, and have defended her honor even to the death.