Everything in the world has life, and everything depends on how to arouse their spirituality.

Gail 2022-10-22 10:15:06

What is happiness? It is to cover up their grief for everyone smile.

Even fairy tales no longer have a need for people, even though we cried tears, will fiercely to protect, for me

, it is so important, I do not want to deny themselves, do not want to forget the joy, growth, maturity is not without

Chennai excuse Although I understand that I can’t do anything, I can only tell myself that even if the body temperature is only 37 degrees,

I remember to warm and protect those fairy tales that nourish the beauty...........

If they can talk, we dare Kill them? .....

I will not hurt my friends with any purpose or idea.

All things have a life, all is how to arouse their spirituality.

They are not alien, like the family in general pregnant with music and sorrow.

Strange, like a lot of animals like human babies third person specified sweets, Chinese grammar babies

called singular is "It", I don't even read the dictionary, so how

can I talk about anything... I can never be the same as everyone else. I am a mistake made by nature. Before going out, I also put on

makeup like others. I do the same things as others, but I am an animal in my heart.

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Extended Reading

Free Willy quotes

  • Wade: Whale's still not performing. We're getting deeper into this. And Rae keeps saying we have to expand that tank.

    Dial: Very nice. This is what I get for bringin' the animal in to boost business. Why don't we just move him into the Ritz Carlton? I can tack it onto the 5,000 they just dumped in his latest insurance premium.

    Wade: [chuckles] The whale's worth more dead than alive.

    Dial: It will cost at least 100,000 to expand that psychotic malcontent's playpen.

    Wade: Huh?

    Dial: Oh, God, I hate that whale.

  • Randolph: I saw what you did.

    Jesse: So.

    Randolph: So nothing. I'm sure Willy's grateful.