"My Week with Monroe" Monroe Biography

Sandy 2022-12-12 02:11:05

This film is based on the two memoirs of Colin Clarke "You Long Xifeng: Half a Year on Set with Monroe and Oliver" and "A Week Between Me and Monroe".

Plot: In 1956, Monroe, who had just married the famous playwright Arthur Miller, set foot in England for the first time, cooperating with the actor Laurence Olivier in the new film "The Prince and The Showgirl" (The Prince and The Showgirl). She was 30 years old this year. Faced with the new challenges of her career and a completely unfamiliar environment, Monroe tried her best to prove herself, but she was on the verge of collapse due to excessive pressure. She clashed with Laurence because of her abnormal performance on the set. Her newlywed life also made Monroe feel uneasy. Monroe, who was lost in career and marriage, accidentally met 23-year-old young assistant Colin Clark. His simplicity made Monroe feel at ease, so the two embarked on an unforgettable seven-day romance
"Here`s what I remember most: Her embrace . Her belief in me. And the joy she gave. That was her gift.
When I think of her right now ,I think of that time when a dream came true.
And my only talent was not to close my eyes"

短短七天For Yu Monroe, it may be just a small adjustment off the set. For Colin, this young man, this wonderful time will settle in his heart and form a cocoon called eternity.

This film won nothing at the Oscars. It can be seen that the judges did not appreciate the plain interpretation of the American darling by Simon Curtis, a director who used to shoot biographies of women. Audiences who wanted to take a peek at the goddess’ life without a glimpse of the goddess’ life To be disappointed, although Michelle tried his best to restore her clothes, body, voice, and expression, she was rather well-formed and restrained, and did not restore the exaggerated atmosphere of the background film "The Dragon and the Phoenix". However, the secrets of Monroe's marriage career have been unearthed countless times, but this film starts from a new perspective behind the movie and the eyes of others. Monroe is no longer just that huge sexy symbol, but a living sweetness and cuteness. A young girl who is also fragile and sensitive. From this point of view, this film is worth watching

Marilyn Monroe, a footnote of an era, but people seldom think about the flesh and blood person behind this name. This woman always knows how to get love. She is funny, beautiful and healthy, but she is more afraid of losing love, so she is out of control, ugly and decadent. She complained lovingly: "A sexy stunner has become a thing, and I hate to become a thing", "What is good about being Marilyn Monroe? Why can't I be an ordinary woman? One who owns a family and owns herself Woman with her baby". There is a kind of women who like to say that after they have achieved fame, they actually want to be ordinary women to wash their hands and make soup for their husbands and children, but that's just talking, you know they are born unwilling to be ordinary before they are destined to be glamorous, no matter what the price is that they do

n’t get it. The person at will not understand how scared she is to lose, you can say that she is hypocritical, she is really a child spoiled by everyone, but you must have seen the heart-piercing of a lost child standing alone on a street corner crying; You can say that she is a greedy bitch. She wants jewelry and money, a lot of love and admiration, and even has the ambition to be the first lady, but everyone who has been in contact with her for a long time finds that she is not like that symbol. "Marilyn Monroe"; you can also say that she is a poor idiot, she does not hesitate to let alcohol and drugs destroy her only capital, willing to be drawn into the abyss that she should not set foot in.
And if she can not accept the worst side, those who can not, do not deserve her best side

of her soul lived a most vicissitudes of old woman, a dust most of the prostitutes, and a most innocent children
She used the eyes of a child to look at this fresh world, she used the smile of a prostitute to cater to those superficial men, and she used the insight of an old woman to understand a noisy era

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My Week with Marilyn quotes

  • Sir Owen Morshead: The Queen is sorry to have missed you.

    Marilyn Monroe: Really?

    Sir Owen Morshead: Oh, yes. Why, she was only saying to me the other day, "what must it be like to be the most famous woman on earth"?

  • Spectator: [Marilyn strikes a pose] Are you somebody, mate?

    Colin Clark: No. I'm no one.