Anyway, she can't control what future generations want to write and shoot.

Lesly 2021-12-14 08:01:16

Although I really cried and my eyes were swollen again.
It's not so sensational.
I watched other review rounds before writing this film review, and it was about the same as what I wanted to say. And since I have no research on various political issues in Britain, I can only look at this woman who was once called the Iron Lady through the eyes of a celestial person.
By the way, when I was in elementary school, Hong Kong returned.
Then many reports at the time praised Comrade Xiaoping's toughness. And the fall of Margaret Thatcher. I think this incident best reflects her contradiction as a female leader.
No way, you have to wear high heels. If you change men in this matter, you won’t have to wrestle in a trance (-"-)

nonsense and return to the film.
At first, it was so teary, and I knew her and her husband. The relationship between them is really not as deep as usual, so I couldn't hold back it at the beginning...
but the more I watched it, the more I felt it was unpleasant. The tears were still sufficient. Aunt Meryl's performance was also very sophisticated... But people wanted more. See how she killed those men without leaving them! The title is Iron Lady! I want to see an Iron Lady! Not an old woman now! She is not an ordinary woman, British! She! It's your former prime minister! Nima wrote that her tenderness is tantamount to tarnishing
her butcher-like vigorous image of vigorously cutting off the welfare of the people!!! How did she struggle!!! I didn't say it!!! Only said her I'm going to run for a campaign and my husband is running! My daughter is angry!! I don't have a driving lesson!!! Then I won’t know how to cut to and fro and I was elected! I
don’t want to complain about the Battle of Falkland Islands!! Obviously even the Queen’s youngest son was almost there. It’s hung up over there!!! It’s impossible to be so calm!!!

After reading it again, the bad feeling is beyond my expectation!!!!!! From the first time I read the beginning, I wanted to write in order, OK? What Nima came out was a flashback!!! It's still an intermittent flashback!!! I want to see the things she did in the three-term tenure of "going to hell" at the climax of the show!!! Move out of Downing Street 10 Is the number so romantic!! Return the rose petals!! People call Thatcher, not Mary Su!!!

Look at the chaos in the euro zone now! ! The British laughed! ! Whose credit is this! ! I didn't say anything! ! If she were the leader of Greece, there would be no economic crisis in Greece at all! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Without saying how annoying she is, she just said that the evening scene is bleak, and the cause and effect are out of control, okay! !
It's not wrong to never forgive those who drove her down! ! Anyway, saints make mistakes! ! The unemployment rate is so high, isn't it? ! Which male prime minister later did not serve as the little servant of the United States? ? The United States is your British leader, okay! !

And only with her Alzheimer's did she become a woman [the writers' self-righteousness] and have sensational material. [Can’t help but ask, is that right? 】After all, she will still be vulnerable after her husband passes away. [This is true! 】

So the rest is the screenwriter’s fault! ! Only a man [the man who knows her best has gone] knows what she is thinking! ! What are you two women messing about! ! Old Jifu Chizhi has never heard of it in thousands of miles! ! She is old but her heart is not old! !

And the unconvinced son seems to exist deliberately to aggravate her condition-who would dare to say that her son once became the most wanted man in the world has nothing to do with her concentrating on climbing up a little bit in her early years! I always say that I live in South Africa and live in South Africa! You don’t know if he is remarried! !

Now even myself has only become a symbol! ! The name does not only represent herself! ! It also represents an era! ! It's so glorious and proud! ! Dear, don’t feel too unfamiliar when you watch the film that chronicles the legend of your life! ! Because that woman is you but not you! ! ! ! !

It is said that Britain has now considered arranging a state funeral for her. Even people who hate her think she is great [devilish great? 】Even if she is not at all like a woman, she is not sensational, she is a feminist, strong like a ghost, eaten away bit by bit by time.
But TM's she is still the tough, unyielding, true and wise Margaret Thatcher known as the Iron Lady!

ps. Eh, it's better to launch a "I write a birthday card to Mrs. Thatcher" event... I just don't know if it's a molestation or a tribute.

After a long time, come back and see this Movie reviews, all kinds of tastes flow to my heart. When I wrote this, I was young and thoughtful. It now appears that for Britain, what she did is actually right. Now the old man has already gone, if she is still there, seeing the current European Union do not know what to say?

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The Iron Lady quotes

  • Airey Neave: If you want to change this party, lead it. If you want to change the country, lead it.

  • Margaret Thatcher: This lot seems bound to do the same... but they will rue the day.