
Jerad 2022-04-20 09:01:30

I was so fascinated by crash that I lost all three souls, so when the last three days was released in China, I told myself that I would give Paul Haggis a show no matter what.

Helpless, the Guangdian General Bureau took drastic measures to cut the 130-minute film to 100 minutes, as the so-called remove the essence and take the dross, causing the audience to watch the movie in a daze, not knowing what the film is about.

So after returning home, I was not in a hurry to score and write a film review, but to download the full version and find a suitable time to taste the complete film.

After watching it, I said that I am very puzzled by the deleted plot. After all, in my opinion, it is the key clue to the development of the plot, such as the handsome pot Liam Leeson. Although he made a cameo appearance with soy sauce, he couldn't help but ask which boss did not like him, but he was stunned to delete only one picture of his web page, which led to the 15, 35 written by Russel Crowe on his left wrist later. People are too puzzling.

And russel crowe visited his wife several times, and the wife had no hope of being released from prison, and even said what if i did it. But our tuff man still said the classic words, I believe you, you haven't done it.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether you have done it or not, the important thing is to choose to believe. If you believe it, then please stick to it. Although the road ahead is full of thorns, there are times when you need to break the circle and do something special. After all, you don't know which side of the scale of justice is tilting.

The first half of the film is too bland and depressing, and the development in the last 40 minutes is too fast, making it difficult to react for a while. In my opinion, this way of narrating a drama film is like the silence before a storm. Once it breaks out, it will be pouring rain, which is extremely happy.

In the end, if the placement wasn't so deliberate, I'd give it five stars.

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Extended Reading

The Next Three Days quotes

  • John Brennan: [Purchasing a gun] Show me where the bullets go.

  • Detective Quinn: Was it raining that day?