Shrek's Troubled Marriage Itch..

Jasmin 2022-04-21 09:01:36

Our fairy tale finally came to the real world.
Shrek faced the problems that all people who go into marriage encounter. Daily life is the
same day after day.
Children are always noisy and annoying. Unreliable
friends are noisy every day. I'm tired of wanting to fight
my wife, but I still say that we will be happy forever..

Escape, anyone will want to escape..

So at a certain critical point, I finally broke out and
said some hurtful words. I
hate the current life. , I hate my children, I hate my friends,
I even wish I never met you.. I thought I would feel happier if I

ran away.
I thought I would be happy if I was myself
, but I'm sorry, the reality is often so far away from the imagination.
I don't know how to cherish it. People who know how to be grateful never know how happy they
It feels like "Back to Seventeen",
you have to go through some things to see and understand better

. Fortunately, these two films are both movies,
so in the end, they can magically reverse everything and return to happy
real life . I 'm not so lucky
, so it seems that our fairy tales will also tell people the truth.
If the marriage does not fall into Shrek's situation in the future,
maybe change the angle, give some distance, give some time, the views will be different.

It is worth mentioning. Fiona's image in the film is quite good.
If no one comes to rescue, then she will save herself and be
independent. Sure enough, she has the style of a new era woman.

In short, a fairy tale sees the meaning of reality, which is a bit interesting.

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Extended Reading

Shrek Forever After quotes

  • Princess Fiona: And when the smoke clears... Wait, what's this?

    Cookie: That's my chimichanga stand.

    Princess Fiona: Um, no, Cookie. We won't be needing that.

    Cookie: Trust me, Fiona. Y'all gonna be really hungry after this ambush, OK? Now go and finish your little speech.

  • Donkey: You know what would pick up the morale in here? Flip-flop Fridays. You can feel the breeze in your toes.