Shrek 4: One, two, three, four, let's do it again! (Worst 3D effect ever)

Braulio 2022-04-20 09:01:27

Popular Hollywood blockbusters always love to play with the concept of "trilogy". Generally, three films are the end, or a new chapter will start after a few years. "Spider-Man", "Pirates of the Caribbean", "The Matrix" and other series are all It is so. You have to ask, since it is a popular movie, why not keep making it? Directors and screenwriters should be complaining there that "the brains have been drained"! Therefore, a stage of the "trilogy" is still very scientific. The "Shrek" series is quite different. Starting from the first episode in 2001, four in a row have been tossed out at an average rate of one episode every two to three years in 10 years. There is also a 30-minute Christmas short film. The efficiency is really not low. It's really good for such spoof cartoons. But then again and again and again, which makes the entire series exhausted, and the story development space is almost exhausted. By the third episode, Shrek and Fiona both have a lot of children and live a stable family life. How can the story continue? The fourth episode used magic to subtly play a trick, refreshed the plot and characters to make everything restart, and then made up another episode of the story, but from the core spirit, the fourth episode is completely different from the first three.

The fourth part seems to follow the story immediately following the third episode. It tells the story of Shrek's family full of children. After living the life of a family man, he gradually got tired of the ordinary daily life and yearned for a free and free old life, so a family crisis broke out. Na has a conflict, and is used by the dwarf Rambo, a magician who is bent on revenge. He signs a magic contract to change the past and falls into a parallel world that is both familiar and unfamiliar. His familiar lover and friends are all there, but he has no relationship with him. A stranger. After a short period of joy, Shrek began to feel empty, rediscovered the meaning of life, and was determined to change his destiny in one day and get his life back on track. It is not difficult to see that this film played a clever trick of "one more time", allowing the plot and character relationships to start from a new starting point, and also borrowed a concept often discussed in American family films, that is, how to solve personal pursuits, The contradiction between self-realization, devotion to the family, and willingness to be plain, finally leads the audience to the traditional concept of agreeing with mainstream family values. This film starts from Shrek's willingness to give up everything to return to a free and free life, to repentance and regaining the lost family. It is a typical embodiment of this traditional concept. However, this is precisely contrary to the anti-traditional and subversive features of the first three series of the series. The labels on which the Shrek series became famous, such as spoofing classics and subverting fairy tales, have disappeared. Both the overall plot and the details are too mediocre. Blindly eating the money of the first three episodes, just relying on the audience's love for the characters to support it, can the fourth episode, which has lost its spoof temperament, really count as a member of the "Shrek" series?

The essence of the "Shrek" series is that it created a spoof and subversive fairy tale cartoon mode. The first episode spoofed the traditional romantic story of a warrior saving the princess into a low-level vulgar monster to save the princess. At the end, the princess also It turned into a monster, and in the end, the two monsters lived happily together, completely reversing people's understanding of fairy tales, and became a big success at the box office. In the second episode, the images of fairy tale beauties such as Snow White and Sleeping Beauty were spoofed into a desperate housewives group. Characters like Prince Charming also became narcissistic and sinister villains. In the third episode, the legend of King Arthur was used as a spoof object, and Arthur also became a rebellious and casual thorn like an American high school student, which made Shrek a lot of trouble. In addition, each episode has a large number of parodies and spoofs of other classic films, social hotspots, and celebrities, thus forming the unique temperament of the series. But all of that disappeared in Episode 4, the fairytale-subverting model disappeared, and the parodies and spoofs disappeared, and it all became unfunny all together. Perhaps this film regards self-subversion as the biggest subversion. The distant kingdom is ruled by evil forces, Shrek and Fiona have never known each other, and the kitten swordsman becomes the fat cat swordsman, but this subversion only changes the main character. A vest, there is no essential change, and even the way to attract the audience is still the same as the previous episodes. Even though Shrek and Donkey are not friends, it does not prevent the two from gags together; even if the cat gets fat, it does not prevent him. "Cute" the audience with super pitiful eyes. As for the two main plot lines of the monster army resisting tyranny and Shrek's search for the kiss of true love, they are all commonplace and cannot be the real interest of the audience. What attracts this film is the hilarious characters created in previous episodes such as Shrek, Donkey, and Kitten Swordsman, as well as the hilarious sparks they create when they interact with each other. The "laughing fruit" of the newly developed dwarf Rambo, the main character, is actually quite ordinary, that is, changing the hairstyle is a bit funny, and other characters, plots, etc. lack vivid and funny highlights, which makes this film the least creative in the series. , the least interesting and most mediocre episode. The story potential of the "Shrek" series has almost been exhausted, and the producer should accept it as soon as it is good. Don't let this fairly classic series eventually become the laughing stock of the audience.

Nowadays, the trend in the film industry is to play the 3D card, and the animation field has realized the unification of 3D technology early. However, from a personal point of view, 3D technology is far from mature, and the plot creativity and lens design of 3D film directors have not been well interacted and combined with 3D technology. The formation of the trend is a bit too fast and too early. Inevitably, it is full of 3D effects that do not live up to its name. In the first half of the year, the poor effect of "Clash of the Gods" 2D converted to 3D in the later stage was just despised by the audience. In the second half of the year, "Shrek 4" came out again, and it was even worse than "Clash of the Gods". It can be called the best 3D effect. Poor 3D footage. The whole film hardly makes people feel the existence of 3D effects, even in the beginning of Shrek riding a broom and making a scene in the palace, and in the end, everyone joins forces to capture Rambo the dwarf. For these two action scenes with strong dynamic and large scenes, The 3D impact on the audience is not strong, not to mention the poor viewing experience that the screen brightness is significantly reduced after wearing 3D glasses. If 3D movies always try to make money for a while without paying attention to the improvement of visual effects, then the current trend of 3D movies will return to the old road of 3D movies entering the golden period in the 1950s and 1960s and then quickly returning to silence. This is possible. (Text / Levin)

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Shrek Forever After quotes

  • Princess Fiona: And when the smoke clears... Wait, what's this?

    Cookie: That's my chimichanga stand.

    Princess Fiona: Um, no, Cookie. We won't be needing that.

    Cookie: Trust me, Fiona. Y'all gonna be really hungry after this ambush, OK? Now go and finish your little speech.

  • Donkey: You know what would pick up the morale in here? Flip-flop Fridays. You can feel the breeze in your toes.