Siege Monster Edition

Arielle 2022-04-19 09:01:35

People are always swinging between gaining and abandoning, choosing between freedom and loneliness. No one is with you, find friends everywhere to understand, find a lover for warmth, and create a large group of next-generation people to liven together. But being alone isn't shameful, it's cool, presence, benefits that you don't notice when you're alone, that you won't miss until one day when you're bothered by the trivialities of life.

When the fairy tale is no longer the happy ending of the prince and the princess, DreamWorks is faced with a somewhat boring story design about boring. So, if you don't have some 3D plus time and space travel this year, you're embarrassed to call it a blockbuster. Generally speaking, it is very smooth, but the fat people have to take a small blow and wonder if someone around them has signed an agreement with a big bad guy and caused them to have a big belly.

Of course, it is a fairy tale after all, and it has a happy ending. This tossing was like a dream, and at the moment of cutting the cake, Shrek returned to the starting point of the wrong path. Nothing seems to have happened, except that there is more mature experience in my mind, and I know what needs to be cherished.

Perhaps the ending should have been more unconventional, Shrek didn't get back to square one, and after defeating the villain, Fiona was already part of the long-running common battle center, with another monster. Shrek picked up his freedom with sadness and regret and left alone, after all, this was what he wanted. Maybe life should have countless divergent paths coexisting. We are just walking on a certain path, and what kind of life will the road beside yy be. Those sadness and regrets are all spiritual consumer goods, used to pay homage to the possibility of leaving us forever.

Finally explain why no miracle happened after their kiss. I think it's because there is no true love between them. The Shrek couple failed to find resonance in their married life, resulting in a family life that was all cumbersome and enduring, without a sense of interdependence. This shows that the princess was rescued from the castle, and the princess was very moved. This is not love and cannot replace soul mate. So when you complain about the distance between fairy tales and reality, you must first examine whether you are as sincere as fairy tales.

In the end, any choice Shrek makes is a personal matter, and he may regret it, but it is not necessarily wrong, but because his choice delays the interracial love between the donkey and the fire dragon, it is not kind.

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Shrek Forever After quotes

  • Princess Fiona: And when the smoke clears... Wait, what's this?

    Cookie: That's my chimichanga stand.

    Princess Fiona: Um, no, Cookie. We won't be needing that.

    Cookie: Trust me, Fiona. Y'all gonna be really hungry after this ambush, OK? Now go and finish your little speech.

  • Donkey: You know what would pick up the morale in here? Flip-flop Fridays. You can feel the breeze in your toes.