Anarchist youth

Zella 2022-03-17 09:01:05

Scribble in notes. It's entirely because I think it's a little bit more interesting than ordinary youth films. Movies are interesting only if they are a little bit interesting.
When a vicious incident occurred in the school, the commentary said that the society was negligent. However, as jd said, the school itself is a society, and it is a kind of infinitely amplified bitterness.
Youth can replace the era in The Tale of Two Cities. It is the best era and the worst era. The age of trust, the age of doubt. It is the season of time, the season of darkness, the spring of hope, and the sad winter. Everything is shown in front of us, and there is nothing in front of us. Some of the loudest authorities insist that both good and bad are expressed in the most advanced form. Movies allow youth to take on a small and fresh puppy love, to take on the cruelty of black humor, at the age when we least understand destruction and most think it can be destroyed, before materializing specific pain, we have a lot of time and a lot of feelings At every turn, decorate the sorrows and joys of fighting, and the young people on the cliff spent this way. We can't disdain, because this simple self-destruction is the most beautiful youth.
heatehers, Veronica answered jd's question at the beginning. She said she was not a heathers. She made her stand clear from the beginning. She is not the idler of grandstanding and enjoyment, nor is she casually oral sex for the sake of attention and praise, not nonsense. She hurts and has no guilt in her heart. She makes friends with uncool guys. She is an individual. The first killing of the red heateher was an accident, and the shooting of football gays was deceived. v is indeed numb, just like everyone else—the movie’s processing is quite dark and humorous, and can be discussed later—she is confused and helpless, and can also imitate everyone’s notes and write last words, using emotional emotions. The way, when watching the mourning interview, commenting on the situation, and laughing at the cowardice of the deceased man killed by her boyfriend at the funeral, but when the destruction of the complaint turned out to be real annihilation, she found that the child faced the loss of sincere crying, and the school became more whitewashed. It seems that suicide is the best way for teenagers to think and the most gorgeous commentary, and the song Teenager suicide, don't do it. It is ridiculous that it strongly recommends just do it. So v tried to stop the perverse stubbornness of the teenagers. She didn't listen or couldn't participate. After several times, she found the friendship that her friends had missed, and she wanted to become more sober. The faucet in the bathroom, the cigarette lighter in the car.
She said that when she was with jd, she couldn’t control herself. He was a crazy beast. He found an exit at the same time as v who was dissatisfied with the world. His destruction became the solution to everything. When v saw his father, he understood him. The values ​​of the father and son reversed and repeated each other, his father’s hideous face after the house was demolished, and his mother’s behavior of extinction on her own.
The ending is very delicate. She was not simply saved, she was not transformed into a big sister who presided over justice, and she was not a heathers-style pop coach or spiritual idol. She found her own way in a way that was actually depressed and there was no unnecessary hope. The paralysis and innocence of the past and the future. It's just that I still hope she can tell him when jd is about to destroy herself like his mother, that some people love her, after all, it was hormones that caused her to be entangled in numb beasts at the beginning, and she was sober because of the numbness. She rescued a heather, with two young shoulders leaning against each other, the most beautiful shot.
The part of black humor, the repetitive and insensitive depiction of society is extremely obvious, repeated family lunches, repeated dialogues, repeated inactivity and repeated excesses of passion in repeated school meetings, and even the beginning of the same funeral, facing death, On the same day, people continued to be drunk, and people ridiculously promoted the independent spirit of suicide and the supreme philosophical connection that implicitly connects suicide with the thinking brain. jd's calm ruffian, low voice, and constant hormonal explosion of kisses, v tried to extinguish the fire candle with his hands but ignited the wine in the glass and lit the garbage downstairs, jd lit the cigarette with v burning hand under the cigarette lighter stick. There were many human sighs from others and preconceived and unthinking judgments at the scene of pretending to commit suicide. When v and his parents discussed the topic of human nature, his mother immediately became calm and concerned. Jd's stalled suicide bomb, a broken middle finger, miserable beauty and an effect.
I don't think this is funny. Sometimes we have to use such extremism, impress you and me, meanwhile impress whatever the world is,
it does not clearly try to awaken anything, it reveals an ideal, anarchist youth, and an attempt to save self among youth. And choice. I still think that under the inclusiveness of the laxity of youth, decorating salvation with humorous comedic thinking is the most enjoyable thing.
Youth films in the 90s (late 80s), sincere 10 things, crazy heaters.
A few more words are to Winona, no matter now, you really are the young forever of depp. The crazy love at that time was so worthwhile.

This is my humble opinion, and your reference.

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Heathers quotes

  • Heather Duke: Veronica, you look like hell.

    Veronica Sawyer: Yeah? I just got back.

  • Pauline Fleming: Whether to kill yourself or not is one of the most important decisions a teenager can make.

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