my queen of tricks

Missouri 2022-10-07 21:00:36

Now I feel that the translated name of Queen of Flowers is more flavorful than my mother is Tonya, less social, and still full of pride. Maybe I, queen of tricks, Tonya is better. To be honest, Tonya Harding herself is much sweeter than Harley Quinn. Tonya is eccentric, fragile, and eager to be loved and tolerated. If Harley Quinn didn't gain weight, her face would be fine, but skating without strong thighs would be too fake, so it's a compromise. Athletes are really difficult to play, and special effects are used for three and a half weeks. Craig has tried very hard to weaken the whitewashing attribute of the film, black humor, breaking through the dimensional wall, if it is selfish, just making a whitewashing film, it can be said to be too stupid, even people who watch it just feel that Tonya experienced It was tragic, but the Virgin said that the attack on Nancy had nothing to do with her, that is, no brains. If it is said that Craig is still trying to wash the white, it can only be said that it is too good. Tonya is so desperate for love, when she is crying and begging her father not to go, when she forgives her abusive husband, when she is in the storm of public opinion, she wants her mother's arms, but her mother wants to record and ask her if she really hurt Nancy , it's too heart-wrenching, especially compared to the similar bridges in the sixth sense. The same is red neck, the difference between family love is as big as Tonya and Lady Bird. The mother's wolf education is also love. It's ridiculous. There are many such examples in China. In fact, they are all tools for parents to rise in the class. Their regrets, their definition of success, and their desires are all thrown on their children. The rise of class, like the male virgin plot, is a manifestation of animality in society, and it is too ugly to expose it without any cover. For the middle-class jury, they set up barriers, and the contestants must have a good image to prevent the class from falling. It's hard for a poor family to have a good son because of the rules and barriers of the middle class. As soon as you enter the door, you can recognize that you are a faker, just like the mark of Cain. What touched me more was Tonya's chaotic thoughts off the court, but she still showed a bright and healing smile when she came on stage, which reminded me of sending my ex-girlfriend to the gym on a rainy day. But when you dance, a confident smile will appear on your face, full of aura. May all demands of being loved be fulfilled.

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I, Tonya quotes

  • Tonya Harding: [to Jeff] I really think that you should just kill yourself.

  • Tonya Harding: America. They want someone to love, they want someone to hate.