There is another ending (my guess)

Alta 2022-04-19 09:01:34

I also think that it would be too old-fashioned if the film just wanted to play the ending. I also have a lot of doubts about the psychiatrist. I hope he set up such a situation to heal Walter.
Before reading the following guesses, you'd better watch "Birthday Present", which is also an old-fashioned thriller. If you haven't watched it, just read my guesses below. In short, the film is definitely worth watching, if you like thrillers, you must watch it, and if you don't like it, you must watch it.

Maybe that doctor was the apprentice of the doctor who treated Walter's mental illness, and has been spying on him. Maybe Walter's first doctor suspected that it was strange for him to commit suicide, and then sent his apprentice, Walter's second doctor, to monitor him. He, until the mystery is revealed) When the apprentice doctor met Walter's wife for the first time, he told her everything about the wife. It was also an intentional later photo for Walter, just to get Walter into it. It was a cure for poison, and the sports car was also part of the treatment plan. Another possibility is that his wife is also a psychiatrist, fell in love with Walter during the treatment period after Walter's first suicide attempt, and helped Walter recover with his colleague, Walter's second doctor, the whole story is It was a game set up so that Walter would first remember cruelly and then save himself with love. Hehe, I feel that my analysis was clearly influenced by "Birthday Gift", I recommend everyone to watch that film, it's a classic as it ages!

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Extended Reading

The Number 23 quotes

  • Walter Sparrow: Of course time is just a counting system... numbers with meanings attached to them.

  • Walter Sparrow: You're Topsy Kretts...

    Agatha Sparrow: [Flashback] He may not even be a man.


    Agatha Sparrow: Please don't make me do this...

    Walter Sparrow: Do what, Ag? Why'd you do this?

    [dumps out her purse]

    Walter Sparrow: Who am I LIVING WITH?

    Walter Sparrow: [finding a knife in her purse, laughing in disbelief] What's this for, Ag? What are you going to do with this?

    Agatha Sparrow: I... I took it to protect us. From... whoever we were going to meet at the mailbox facility.

    Walter Sparrow: Intending to kill that poor old man who you got to publish your book? To protect your little secret?

    Agatha Sparrow: [Flashback] I'll take care of it!

    Walter Sparrow: [Present] He was ALIVE before you sent us away!

    Agatha Sparrow: Robin will hear you.

    Walter Sparrow: Oh, we wouldn't want that, would we? We wouldn't want our son to know the horrible truth about his mother!

    Robin Sparrow: [walks in] Mom? Dad? What's going on?

    Walter Sparrow: She's Topsy Kretts; she wrote the book!

    Agatha Sparrow: No, it's not true. Now your father's going to put down the knife. Aren't you, Walter?

    Walter Sparrow: Tell him the truth.

    Agatha Sparrow: Walter...

    Walter Sparrow: Tell him... how you took the skeleton.

    Agatha Sparrow: Yes, Isaac and I took the skeleton...

    Robin Sparrow: You did?

    Agatha Sparrow: And I'd do it again! But I did not write the book.

    Walter Sparrow: Don't lie! 13 years. 13 years of lies! NO MORE!

    Agatha Sparrow: Don't do this to us, Walter!

    Robin Sparrow: Mom, who wrote the book?

    Walter Sparrow: Tell him who wrote it.

    Walter Sparrow: [whispering] Tell him.

    Agatha Sparrow: ...You wrote the book, Walter.