There is more than just competition between women and women.

Graham 2022-04-19 09:01:30

In the first half of the movie, I thought it was another cliché story where two girls killed each other for a man and abandoned everything in order to win the love of a man.

For this reason, I deliberately confirmed the release date of this film, which was the year I was born, and figured out the reason for this film: "You can't ask too much for a film from 2001, it's the times. Limitations, female friendship should be a new concept only in recent years."

With preconceived judgments, the second half of the episode surprised me. The two released their previous suspicions, Elle was generous and confident, and didn't care about Vivian's previous tricks; Vivian apologized to Elle after realizing that her behavior was inappropriate.

Facing the unspoken rules in the workplace, Elle felt a lot of blows and thought that her strength was not recognized. Even if she looked at the kind and caring teacher who cared about her students, it was just because Elle's beauty gave her the opportunity to practice, just when she wanted to give up. At the beginning, the female teacher who asked her to leave the classroom suddenly appeared and gave her encouragement and support.

While watching, I sighed that the cultural differences between China and the West are huge. I have also watched a lot of domestic films. There are almost no films about women's friendship. The first woman and the second woman are bound to fight against each other. So much so that when I saw the two heroines like Pavlov's dog, I would subconsciously acquiesce that they were going to tear them apart.

In short, this is a movie that every girl should watch. She tells you another possibility about female friendship that domestic TV dramas won't tell you; between women and women, there is more than just competition.

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Legally Blonde quotes

  • Elle's Mother: Honey, you were First Runner-Up at the "Miss Hawaiian Tropics" contest. Why are you going to throw that all away?

    Elle: Going to Harvard is the only way I'm going to get the love of my life back.

    Elle's Father: Oh, sweetheart, you don't need law school. Law school is for people who are boring and ugly and serious. And you, button, are none of those things.

  • Brooke: You know a Delta Nu would never sleep with a man who wears a thong.

    Elle: Never!

    Brooke: I just liked to watch him change the filter.