The plot is creative

Cristina 2022-04-22 07:01:05

Adhering to the relaxed, humorous, warm and touching characteristics of American animation movies.

Since I didn't know the plot at all before watching it, I was quite surprised and pleasantly surprised at the beginning of the plot. The production itself is also meticulous and creative. The characters of many characters are still distinct and rich, and the plot is smooth and natural.

The film has a lot of moving points. Although there is still a strong American-style sensational shadow, the director has done a good job, so it can still make people feel sincere.

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Bolt quotes

  • Mittens: [about people] They pretend they're going to always be there for you, and then one day they pack up and move away and take their love with them, and leave their declawed cat to fend for herself! They leave her, wondering what she did wrong.

  • Penny: [after they finish filming] You saved me again, Bolt.