Injuries of coercion and compromise (2)

Elbert 2022-04-23 07:01:33

meet sand twilight

Bruno saw a boy in striped pajamas sitting there, looking very vulnerable and sad. The boy's name is Shamu, and he's eight years old like Bruno, but they look very different. Bruno is clean and cheerful, while Shamu's clothes are tattered, and his expression is melancholy. They envy each other, and Shamu envies whether Bruno can eat or drink Worry, clean and hygienic. And Bruno envied Shamu's "interesting game", and they both envied each other's "freedom". It's just that the freedom of the two is very different...

Sha Mu envies Bruno's freedom because he can eat and play games freely as long as he has the permission of his parents. Bruno envy Sha Mu because he feels that Sha Mu has someone to play games with him. But what they don't know is, neither of them are free.

Bruno is in an important period of self-awareness and development. Children in this period hope to have more sense of autonomy, but his parents have strict restrictions on the scope of activities and independent choices, including in learning and education. . Because they are surrounded by wild mountains and mountains, they can only invite teachers to come to their home to teach. And this teacher is a rigid and serious person. Although Brooke doesn't like him, he dares not to speak out, because I think with his father's strong personality, he won't listen to him and will criticize him for making excuses not to study! Therefore, Bruno's freedom is only based on the control of his important object (a term in psychology, which can be understood as parents), not a conscious choice.

Bruno's envy of Shamu's freedom was entirely his imagination. He thought that many people were playing the game of "numbering" with Shamu, but in fact it was not a game, but the number of prisoners, because they were Jews and the Nazi government of Germany Jews have been imprisoned and slaughtered since before World War II. Sha Mu and his family are one of them. They were forced to be imprisoned in this dilapidated place and required to work hard every day... but the young Bruno naturally didn't understand this, and felt that his little friend Sha Mu was very happy.

In the back, Bruno often took his toys and delicious food to find Shamu. Although there was a protective net, it did not affect the communication and play between the two companions.

Young and ignorant betrayal

Until one day, many outsiders in "striped pajamas" came to Bruno's house. They were cleaning up the house. When Bruno passed the restaurant, he found that Shamu was wiping glasses in it. Bruno happily ran to Shamu's side. Sent to his house to work, Bruno saw the food on the table, so he let Shamu eat a little, Shamu picked up the food and ate it, just then Lieutenant Collette suddenly came in and saw Shamu eating The two children were frightened, and the lieutenant continued to press him.

Sha Twilight trembled and said that he was Bruno's friend and that Bruno let him eat. The lieutenant turned to look at Bruno and asked him if it was true. Bruno was scared for a long time before he could speak, but what he said was "No, I happened to walk in and saw him eating. I had never seen him before"! After listening, the lieutenant nodded with satisfaction, and told Shamu that the glass should not be wiped clean. After seeing what to do with you, he took Bruno away. Why did Bruno, these kind children, say panic and put their partners in danger at this time? Social psychology can provide the answer. Under the stressful state of tension and fear, people will avoid danger by escaping or lying, which is the influence of situation and authority on people. After the incident, Bruno regretted it, and came back to find Sha Mu, and found that he was no longer there. He went to the farm again and couldn't find it, and he didn't see Sha Mu until several days later.

Bruno saw Sha Mu again. What surprised and guilty was Sha Mu's face. There were many scars on his body. Obviously, this is the "punishment for stealing food". In addition to the physical punishment, the mental punishment is also the same. Serious - Sha Mu has become more sad and decadent.

With shame, Bruno apologized and asked if Sha Mu could still be friends? Sha Mu had no choice but to forgive Bruno, and the two played happily again.

Shangshi bound by the situation

Lieutenant Collette is Bruno's father's subordinate and a serious officer. He has always been stern, which made Bruno feel very unfriendly. What really scared Bruno was the behavior of the lieutenant during a dinner party.

In this clip, the lieutenant was criticized and questioned by Bruno's father (that is, his superior), and because he was afraid of not resisting, he took his anger on the lame Jewish uncle and brutally punched and kicked the uncle. In the school of psychoanalysis, the captain uses the replacement defense mechanism. When the individual is hurt but dare not confront him, he will use other methods to resolve his dissatisfaction. For example, the criticized child will bully other partners or small animals.

Social psychology has a similar view on aggression. Dolard's frustration-aggression theory holds that "aggression is always a consequence of frustration" , that is, the root cause of all aggression comes from inappropriate frustration. The father's frustration with the lieutenant translates into the lieutenant's aggression against the Jewish uncle.

According to the frustration-aggression theory, we can reduce the aggression after frustration in two ways:

One is to remove frustration and remove motivation for aggression. The experiment in which the assistant makes the test fail in the task is a prime example. When the assistant apologizes and withdraws the test results, the subjects' anger and aggression diminish. When trust is lost Afterwards, apologizing and reversing negative consequences are necessary steps to rebuild trust.

The second is to allow individuals to commit aggression. The catharsis hypothesis applies to situations where aggression reduces motivation to re-aggress.

Lieutenant Collette ended up being sent to the front for failing to report his father to another country.

To be continued...

Hello readers, I am Xiao Fengyue, a boy who likes literature, psychology, and drama movies, and often writes some book reviews and movie reviews. Sometimes I also write my own insights and interesting and meaningful events around me into essays. I am currently writing two or three novels. I hope to communicate and learn more with like-minded friends and continuously improve my knowledge and writing ability!

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The Boy in the Striped Pajamas quotes

  • Bruno: We're not supposed to be friends, you and me. We're meant to be enemies. Did you know that?

  • Bruno: Do you not like playing?

    [Shmuel nods]

    Bruno: Just not ball games?

    Shmuel: Not here.