It would probably be much more peaceful if human society stipulated that all heads of state must be women.

Grady 2022-04-23 07:01:33

The first 90% of the slow flow is for the last 10% of the turbulent.

It is a good film that does not pretend to be mysterious, but uses contrast skills to the extreme, thereby stripping away the form and bringing people into more core thinking. Men and women, fathers and mothers, adults and children, children and children, older sisters and younger brothers, superiors and inferiors, occupation and life, inside and outside the wire...

It would probably be much more peaceful if human society stipulated that all heads of state must be women.

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Extended Reading

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas quotes

  • Bruno: We're not supposed to be friends, you and me. We're meant to be enemies. Did you know that?

  • Bruno: Do you not like playing?

    [Shmuel nods]

    Bruno: Just not ball games?

    Shmuel: Not here.