Verifying a relationship in six years~It's not too much at all

Orrin 2022-01-02 08:01:48

you don't know the one
Who dreams of you at night
And longs to kiss your lips
And longs to hold you tight
Oh I'm just a friend
That's all I've ever been'Cause you don't know me
Afraid and shy
I've let my chance to go by
The chance that you might
Love me, too
-------- "You don't know me"

has a type of girl who is sensitive in heart and pays attention to feelings. Shy and shy in front of outsiders, and wanton in front of girlfriends. But for some reason, there is always a brilliant BFF beside this kind of girl, passionate and unrestrained, very heterosexual, and what's worse is that these two girls have an inseparable friendship/family relationship that grows up together.

RACHEL met DEX first in law school, and the first appearance of DEX made her feel different and chaotic. But not confident enough, she would not believe that such a PRINCE CHARMING boy would feel the same as herself. It is easy for spectators to see that DEX sticks to RACHEL as his Study PARTNER purpose is very clear, because such a NPC who cannot be submerged in the crowd can mix with COOL PPL. But RACHEL could not be sure what was between them, she could only suppress her feelings silently for fear that it would be uninteresting to say it.

Then, to the night of celebration in that evil bar, DARCY appeared, that boring TRUTH & DARE game. Maybe she didn't show up, she didn't behave so AGGRESSIVE, and be a good "friend" DEX is likely to be a real Ask Rachel Out after that night.
Many people may be puzzled why RACHEL said it didn't mind at the time? Because she pays more attention to the friendship that she considers the most important in the past 20 years than the little love that has just sprouted with DEX (the two feelings are not clear at this time, SHE LOVES DARCY), not to mention that she said that she minded According to DARCY's character, will it stop?

DARCY belongs to the typical American girl who opens her mouth and puts I LUV YOU on her mouth. When she is in a good mood, everyone is a SWEETIE for her. If she is in a bad mood, the whole world is sorry for her. And Rachel, who is too SENSITIVE, listens to DARCY's words as true every time. Because she cares too much about her~

After the birthday party 6 years later, DEX's confession made the stupid RACHEL finally believe that she is the one who can win love. When DEX said that he had been in love with R for 6 years, it strengthened her confidence to gamble for love.

Let's talk about DEX. His character must be criticized by the women in front of the screen. But this is true. The movie is not a fairy tale. Not every hero will sweep off your feet, lead your up the stairwell like a prince.

I am very happy that this is not a movie in which the heroine finds out that she has been searching for so long, and the true love is by her side. Such clichés are no longer suitable for this era, and some recent moving love movies, such as "ONE DAY", are about persistence and love that can stand the test of time. Time can not only dilute unreliable love, but also let the two bodies of MEAN TO BE understand each other's status in their hearts.

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Something Borrowed quotes

  • Ethan: [about Dex] Oh my God. So when are you gonna tell him? Do you want me to tell him? I would love to tell him.

    Rachel: It's none of your business. I told Darcy to marry him. I'm bowing out.

    Ethan: Rachel, she just told you she's cheating. You want your opportunity, take it.

  • Ethan: I don't really get it. I don't get how you let her win all the time.

    Rachel: Wow.

    Ethan: Oh, no. "Wow" nothing. Because if the tables were turning, you'd think she'd let you win?

    Rachel: Will you stop? What is it with you two? Why do you hate her so much?

    Ethan: What are you talking about? I don't hate her. I hate the fact that you yield at her at every turn.