Keiko-Are you okay in heaven? (change)

Doris 2022-07-29 23:15:27

(I really like Keiko, this unforgettable killer whale. After watching the movie, I accidentally read the following article and used it to share with friends who also like this movie.)

Keiko, maybe more people will be kind I call you Willy. Because you are known all over the world because of the Hollywood mermaid fairy tale (also translated as "Whale Breakthrough"), and you are deeply in love with the lovely you.

I am writing this article, really from a sentence in the film "Dolphin Bay".

We sometimes feel that we are in love, but in fact it hurts.

Keiko was originally a baby killer whale swimming freely in his hometown of Iceland. It lived happily next to its mighty father and petite mother (the keiko father is said to be 8 meters long and the mother is 6 meters very petite), but after only 2 years, it was unfortunately captured by a whaling ship and was torn away mercilessly. The warm home started my involuntary life.

Keiko grows up. Because he is a male boy, he is also very naughty in adolescence. He hardly learns any acting skills except playing with his companions. So the local aquarium reluctantly gave up love and had to sell keiko again to an aquarium in Mexico.

Keiko has grown up gradually, it has to start to accept life in captivity, and to survive it has to start learning acting skills. The clever keiko soon became the only killer whale that would perform in the Mexican aquarium and became the favorite of local children. But Keiko's living conditions in Mexico are cruel. With dirty sea water and small pools, Keiko has since contracted serious skin infections and pneumonia. But at this moment, the goddess of destiny began to favor this clever and lovely young man.

Hollywood decided to start a movie about killer whales and human little boys. In order to save costs, they came to Mexico where prices are low. At a glance, I saw the superb and cute keiko. As a result, Keiko became a big star on the screen, and children all over the world fell in love with this cute killer whale and expressed sympathy and affection for its encounter in the film. Since then, keiko has been "loved" by everyone, in a human way.

After the film was released, the killer whale keiko fever still did not dissipate. When Keiko returned to Mexico, it was still in a harsh environment, and it was suffering from a cruel life in silence because of disease. Fortunately, the paparazzi in Hollywood did a good job, exposing Keiko's tragic situation, which angered children all over the world. Nothing is more angry than the children in the United States. They even extend their anger to Warner Investors, believing that Keiko must get the best treatment!

How can keiko get "reasonable" and "appropriate" care?

Mankind began to think and began a self-righteous "goodwill" rescue. Didn't Willy in the movie return to his mother? So should we also let Keiko go back?

The minds of children and people who love keiko all over the world are getting hot, and their hearts are surging! Oh my God, the story of the movie became true! ! Keiko will be very happy, happy ending is just around the corner! ! !

So Keiko found out in a daze that he had arrived in the U.S. overnight. It didn't know that, on the day he left, children in Mexico took him to the street and sent him away in tears. It doesn't know, it turns out that its own life has already had a new arrangement. For its good arrangement.

Keiko came to the United States. It has a supply of clean and fresh sea water, a pool that is 4 times the size of the original, and the careful care of experienced trainers. Keiko is really happy. He has a new home and healed from skin diseases and pneumonia. It feels that the Mexican ratio is really great.

Since Willie is portrayed as a little whale that misses his mother in the plot of the movie "Willie's Breakthrough", the ending of the movie is that Willie is put back into the sea and reunited with his mother, making every audience tearful. It is precisely because of the influence of the plot of the movie that people in real life also think that returning Willie to the sea is Willie's best home. So Willie only spent more than two years at the Newport Aquarium in the United States, and his human friends decided to send Willie back to Iceland for release.

In 1998, Willie, who had been domesticated by humans for 21 years, was sent to Iceland by a U.S. Air Force transport plane. The scale of Willie's escort is unprecedented. The Americans especially closed off Coastal Highway 101, so that curious people can be sent off. And this Icelandic "Midway House" is a huge floating fish farm. This design allows Willie to learn to communicate with other wild animals, as well as wild instincts.

This "return Willie back to nature" project totaled 20 million US dollars. It is ridiculous that the Mexicans spent 350,000 US dollars to buy Willie and train him to integrate into the human world, but in the end the Americans spent 20 million US dollars to drive Willie back to the sea.

On July 15, 2002, Willie was finally reluctantly put back into the sea. According to the electronic tracker, Willie's body was still sturdy and he could swim more than 130 kilometers in a day. He should have been able to survive in the sea. The ability. But things are not what people want, Willie can't adapt to the environment without humans at all, so Willie only spent a month and a half in the Atlantic Ocean, and can't wait to appear in the Norwegian Gulf, actively looking for humans to play, and having fun with tourists. He even took the initiative to let humans ride on his back and circle the bay.

Willie, who has been captured by humans since the age of 2, can't get rid of his habit of being close to and being nurtured by others. But scientists were worried about Willie, and some even suggested that Willie be euthanized. Putting a domesticated whale back into the ocean was originally an extremely wrong plan. And when the plan has been determined to fail, why continue to stick to it? ! It was because of human ignorance and stubborn mistakes that Willie could not escape his tragic fate in the end.

In December 2003, 18 months after Willie returned to the Atlantic Ocean, Willie left forever the world that once laughed at him and was moved by him because he did not adapt to the wild environment of the ocean.

If Willie is still alive, he may have his own friends and family to spend his entire life in this noisy world. However, fate was too ruthless and cruel to Willie. When he left the image of his tenderness in the world forever, people even deprived him of his life. Whether it was captured in his childhood, or sold to circuses and aquariums in his youth, until finally released into the ocean, Willie's life was controlled by ignorant humans.

In an era full of blood, violence, and pornography, the only trace of false warmth that mankind has is still ruthlessly stripped off under its own ignorance and stubbornness. It cannot be said that it is a great irony in the world. The cruel ending is unbearable to tell those children who are innocent, when faced with their innocent eyes and questioning Willy's fate, what can we tell them? !

Looking at the stars, we can only pray for him silently, Little Willie, how are you in heaven?

Source: herosweet

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Free Willy quotes

  • Wade: Whale's still not performing. We're getting deeper into this. And Rae keeps saying we have to expand that tank.

    Dial: Very nice. This is what I get for bringin' the animal in to boost business. Why don't we just move him into the Ritz Carlton? I can tack it onto the 5,000 they just dumped in his latest insurance premium.

    Wade: [chuckles] The whale's worth more dead than alive.

    Dial: It will cost at least 100,000 to expand that psychotic malcontent's playpen.

    Wade: Huh?

    Dial: Oh, God, I hate that whale.

  • Randolph: I saw what you did.

    Jesse: So.

    Randolph: So nothing. I'm sure Willy's grateful.