Film review, King Arthur: Beasts and Hegemony, the authentic "Daguai upgrade" version of King Arthur

Montana 2022-04-24 07:01:04

A late film review to make up for the fantasy blockbuster "King Arthur" released in mid-May. Directed by Guy Ritchie, the film stars British sexy actor Charlie Hunnam and veteran handsome Jude Law. This work, the plot is average, the interpretation is acceptable, the special effects are realistic, the scene is magical, and the soundtrack is magnificent. It is a typical "Hollywood-style" blockbuster.

The film is more than 2 hours long, and tells the inspirational story of King Arthur, who lives in the folk, through "defeat monsters and upgrade", "recruit teammates", and finally "capture the holy sword" and "defeat the devil". (The plot is similar to the combination of "Robin Hood in the movie version" + "The Legend of the Sword in the game version")

Since the plot is lackluster, what exactly do you and I watch when you walk into the cinema? Good question! In the next time, I will put aside the storyline and talk about the alternative highlights of the work. (Pure personal opinion, laughing)
I. Guy Ritchie-style violent aesthetics
To be honest, this work is not a violent aesthetics in the traditional sense. There are no bone-deep killings, no bloody battles, and no creepy scenes and bridges in the video. The director just used dark tones, combined with the bloody background music, and superimposed a magical plot, creating a picture texture close to "violent aesthetics". This strong "Guy Ritchie flavor" is fascinating.

II. Competing in appearance and serving the audience
There are three actors in the film worthy of attention, the two leading roles in the opposite play-Charlie Hunnam and Jude Law, plus the British public lover David Beckham (playing tricks). Here, I personally don't want to comment on the acting skills of the three, after all, this is not the point of this film. Similar to this kind of magical, heroic, and free-to-play film, the actor's appearance is more interesting than his acting skills. The director knows this very well, so it is very considerate to invite the three "dream lovers" who are widely admired by female audiences to serve the audience.

III. Mediocre script, fantastic editing When
it comes to the script, I am speechless and a little embarrassed. Leaving aside the rough and boring settings, the content of the story will last at most half an hour. If it weren't for the super repair ability of the director and screenwriter, this film is estimated to be nominated for the "Golden Raspberry Award".
But then again, thanks to this simple and rude script, Guy Ritchie can once again vividly show his "rejuvenation" technique. Especially the dream clips and flashback narratives in the film are absolutely brilliant and unforgettable. One of the best directors in the UK.

Write at the end. As the latest blockbuster of a famous British director, the work does show Guy Ritchie's unique charm, story rhythm, picture level, actor selection, special effects bonuses, and high-energy sound effects. Final color.

Director ★★★★☆ (Guy Ritchie once again showed his strength, turned corruption into magic, and integrated the plot, pictures and soundtrack very well)
Actors ★★★☆☆ (Don't look at the acting, the three handsome guys are worth it Fare)
Story★☆☆☆☆(mentally handicapped)
Visual effects★★★★★(Dark, dreamy, visual feast, I feel like playing "Diablo")
Sound Effects★★★★★(The music and the picture are organically combined, you can It can be regarded as the top 10 soundtrack works in the first half of the year)

Recommended crowd: Visual audiences
more film reviews + stills first published in "The Journey of Floyd and Helen", thank you

View more about King Arthur: Legend of the Sword reviews

Extended Reading

King Arthur: Legend of the Sword quotes

  • Bill: You've made quite a celebrity of yourself among the Blackleg ranks.

    Bedivere: You've done very nicely on the back of your cozy relationship with your King's men.

    King Arthur: I'm a little old for finger-wagging and speeches. So unless you're my dad, which... I believe is unlikely, can you just get around to telling me exactly what it is you want?

  • King Arthur: It's quite dangerous being one of you lot, isn't it? You're good with animals, aren't you? They have a word for that, don't they?... Mage... I thought your team was outlawed. Never met one of you in the flesh. I thought you'd be taller... and have a beard.