King Arthur: Battle of the Beasts

Effie 2022-04-21 09:01:40

The story of Shi Zhongjian was probably first known in the Taiwan idol comedy "Ultimate Class 1", and then naturally I gradually learned about it.
Although this story does not have much editability, everyone is familiar with the story, but in the movie, I have not really seen a movie about King Arthur, which is stronger than "Beauty and the Beast", The latter really shot and shot.
Although the story did not escape the original theme, Arthur drew the sword in the stone, rebelled against the tyrant, and formed the twelve knights of the round table, and that's about it. But I think the director did a good job, the prelude was not too long, and it took only one song to tell the growth of little Arthur.
Overall, it's a really good shot.
The background music at the end of Arthur's solo ride into town is fantastic.

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Extended Reading

King Arthur: Legend of the Sword quotes

  • Bill: You've made quite a celebrity of yourself among the Blackleg ranks.

    Bedivere: You've done very nicely on the back of your cozy relationship with your King's men.

    King Arthur: I'm a little old for finger-wagging and speeches. So unless you're my dad, which... I believe is unlikely, can you just get around to telling me exactly what it is you want?

  • King Arthur: It's quite dangerous being one of you lot, isn't it? You're good with animals, aren't you? They have a word for that, don't they?... Mage... I thought your team was outlawed. Never met one of you in the flesh. I thought you'd be taller... and have a beard.