Americans ruined other people's homes and went home to reunite themselves.

Destin 2022-04-20 09:01:30

A common problem with American movies is that the United States is the savior of the world, and other countries live under his protection. The ghost town is the final scene and the setting for the movie. Many people don't know much about Russia's Chernobyl nuclear leak, and it may actually have been caused by the participation of the United States at that time. Everything has some extended meanings, which can stimulate infinite political associations in various countries.
Compared with the past, the film has too much political stance. Kind of reminiscent of the kind of pride and pride that used to successfully dismantle the Soviet Union. I feel that I am the boss, except for the Soviet Union, the throne is the Americans. Too arrogant, always think of himself as the savior.

It is definitely a sponsored film of Mercedes-Benz. All kinds of Mercedes-Benzes can't be damaged, and they can make Russian armored vehicles vibrate. Too boring. The audience are fools.

BMW seemed very weak and was directly detonated as a bomb. Aw~ I love BMW. .

Expressing the American-style father-son relationship with humor and coincidence seems a little pale, without too much emotional rendering, but always wants to reflect the deep father-son relationship. This is a bit of a failure. The father feels that his son is a gangster, but his son is a spy of the CIA, or the main force. This misunderstanding is quite extreme.

At the end of the plot, the heroine's father had his head cut off by a helicopter. It was bloody and the angle was quite terrifying. The heroine's frightened, sad, and angry eyes shot out from the glass window of the helicopter, which was quite shocking. The heroine's subsequent revenge seemed very stupid and mentally retarded, perhaps because the film was about to end, and she was directly hit by a helicopter. If I were the heroine, I would start all those uraniums and throw them with a helicopter. Why bother hitting them myself? Quite irrational and too stupid to describe Russian women. Americans always want this, right?

In short, in the whole film, the director just wants to present all kinds of impossible, so that everyone feels that everything is possible. I wipe~~ Do you think you are chiina "Li Ning"?

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A Good Day to Die Hard quotes

  • John McClane: Me and my boy here, we're gonna put a whuppin' on ya!

  • Alik: Do you know what I hate about the Americans? Everything. Especially cowboys.