"Big Girl"

Aaliyah 2022-04-22 07:01:04

The actor who played Count Dracula in the movie was immediately recognized by me as the villain in "This Killer Is Not Too Cold", and Keanu Reeves is a vase character in this movie. The heroine is very beautiful, and the vampire girls in Count Dracula's castle are also really beautiful. Van Helsing who appeared in the movie is the famous Hopkins. He has always liked this old man very much. His calm and "black-bellied" temperament is unmatched. Seeing the staff in the mental hospital wearing square cage-like hats in the film reminded me of a character in Silent Hill. It seems that Silent Hill is really impressive...
June 1, 2010

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Dracula quotes

  • [Mina's breakup letter to Dracula]

    Mina: My Dearest Prince, Forgive me. I have received word from my fiance in Romania. I am en route to join him. We are to be married. I will never see you again. Mina

  • Dracula: Is this my reward for defending God's church?

    Transylvanian Priest: Sacrilege!

    Dracula: I RENOUNCE GOD! I RENOUNCE HIM! I shall rise from my own death, to avenge hers with all the powers of darkness.