Even if you can't fix it, you can still get on the road again.

Winifred 2022-04-21 09:01:44

Plot: It tells the story of Xiaofan looking for money and fleeing. During the period, the story of Xiaofan before he escaped and his growth were connected.

Character: Xiaofan, from hesitant and not ruthless enough to grow up to kill the Quartet for himself.

Character Weaknesses: Hesitant, young, Stockholm, fate is left to others.

Goal: sell the car, get the money according to the previous life trajectory, the money is not enough to make up the money, the climax kills the Quartet, and escapes.


Principled vacuum cleaner

A greedy villain who pretends to be a police officer

The place where the fat man provides the money and tortures Xiaofan to a certain extent


1. Little fans grow up and master their own destiny

2. Break through the moral predicament, do nothing for oneself, and destroy the world

3. Escape

Plot: Throw the target first.


Xiaofan sells a car and encounters an accidental alarm from a tech house. Promote the plot, explain again

The friendship between Xiaofan and his brother, Xiaofan's current situation is grim.

Shot: Before highlighting Xiaofan's severe symptoms in Stockholm, this one looks like an old boy.

Plot: Xiaofan solved the car's next step is to find money. Before that, before Xiaofan came to the house, let's tell a story around the house.

The story of Xiaofan being sent to work by an otaku.

Plot: Using the radio to introduce the current background, where has Heisenberg gone?


Work, what are you doing? Dispose of dead bodies, why? Because of the discovery of where the money was hidden. This leads to the empty box at the back where the money is very hard to find.

Highlights the otaku's numbness to the killing, regardless. Xiaofan's fate is very dangerous.


Xiaofan couldn't find any money at this time, and saw his parents surrendering himself on TV.

The plot is stuck. However, the whole show has a particularly big question? How did Xiaofan escape from the dire straits and the murderer?

Plot: The plot of burying a body and having a chance to escape is amazing. This is completely caused by Xiaofan's character, a link that promotes the plot. After all, Xiaofan was so serious in Stockholm at that time that he gave up on escaping. At that time, Xiaofen was fragile and helpless.

Fortunately, this prompts the way to find money.

Xiaofan also found money because of this.

Then, the climax came again.


Kidnapping gets a chance.

Then fell into the trap of weakness, Xiaofan has always been accustomed to handing his fate to others, even if he has been successfully escaping the fate of death.

Being countered, he had to hand over the money that he had worked so hard to find.

Next, we saw Breaking Bad's old white possessed, and that paragraph of dialogue, position, and momentum all exploded on Xiaofan's body in an instant.

Thus successfully obtained the funds and fled there.

The next problem is still not solved.

1. How did you escape?

What is the purpose of getting the money?

Buying an identity, what is the resistance in this process?


It's vulgar, but the filming is very tense.

A penny beats a hero.

Highlighting principled vacuum cleaner opponents

Force Xiaofan to grow up again.

How to solve this small money problem?


Lie to parents, move tigers away from mountains, but actually seek money. But it's not that easy. The plot that deviates from the goal is interesting, and there is always something to inspire your follow-up plot.

It is necessary to introduce parents, because people can only truly escape from their own lives when they abandon their families, right? "professor"


Before the climax duel in the back, it needs a little bit of ruthlessness.

Then this section is the catalyst, Xiaofen was bullied into a horse before.


The most western way, the most symbolic duel, the loneliness of the sunset samurai. The curtain call way of walking the world alone.


In fact, I am watching the text version of the dialogue between Lao Bai and Xiaofan, and I can't help but want to cry.

Heisenberg has entered the countdown to his fate, and he treats Xiaofan like a father to his children. Really brings tears to my eyes.

At this time, the old white, his wife and children separated. Alone. Half of the body has been buried in the loess. At this time, he will also regard Xiaofan as his own child emotionally.

If there is a choice, who doesn't want to take a normal path. But fate plays people, isn't it?

Little fan, what major do you want to study? I think it's perfect for you to study business. You have a talent for this, Xiaofan.

Forget it, I really want to talk to someone. (tears), even though I don't know what I want to express?

You are really lucky and have a great opportunity.

You can't die anyway, can you? (There's no more romantic, down-to-earth truth than this, right?)

Thinking back on this, this episode of Lao Bai is not just selling feelings, it gave Xiaofan Alaska a good start.

In the end, making your own decisions is what Xiaofan needs most now, isn't it? A brand-new starting point, no longer needs to be resigned to fate, but a brand-new image standing between heaven and earth.

Even if it can't be rehabilitated.

However, life is very long, start all over again, take these people who have influenced you, and go on the road again.

View more about El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie reviews

Extended Reading

El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie quotes

  • [flashback; Jesse makes a pineapple salad out of a breakfast buffet]

    Jesse: Yeah, bitch.

  • [final lines]

    Jesse: I was thinking about that thing you said about the universe. Going where the universe takes you? Right on. It's a cool philosophy.

    Jane: I was being metaphorical, it's a terrible philosophy. I've gone where the universe takes me my whole life. It's better to make those decisions for yourself.