I don't watch horror movies

Kristian 2022-04-19 09:01:36

If it weren't for Rodriguez, I wouldn't watch horror movies, and I don't have a strong aversion to horror movies, but since I watch movies for physical and mental pleasure, horror movies are difficult for me to achieve this effect.

In my opinion, this film is difficult to divide into the ranks of horror films. Except for the horror element of zombies, neither the narrative nor the lens creates a terrifying atmosphere. So other comrades who don't watch horror movies can also come and watch it. Maybe you will feel disgusted, but you will definitely not be scared.

A film that can make people feel sick and at the same time very happy, it is such a strange existence.
I like the "lost film", the masked characters, the simple narrative structure, and the inexplicable plot arrangement.
Don't like the heroine, Quentin and the last machine gun legs...

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Planet Terror quotes

  • J.T. Hague: Grab the slaw! Can't have a barbeque without the slaw!

    Babysitter Twin #1: We need guns!

    [J.T. hands both babysitter twins large, pump-action, shotguns]

    Babysitter Twin #2: Fucking cool!

  • The Rapist: [muffled under the mask] Do you like Ava Gardner?

    Cherry Darling: Sorry?

    The Rapist: [removes his mask] Ava Gardner, do you like her?

    Cherry Darling: Yeah, I guess...

    The Rapist: I was just thinking that you, uh, kinda look like Ava Gardner a little bit.

    [pulls out his pistol]

    The Rapist: You know what this is?

    Cherry Darling: A gun...

    The Rapist: It's simplicity itself: you see, you point it at what you wanta die, and you pull the little trigger here, and a little bullet comes outta here, and the little bullet hits you

    [taps her between the eyes]

    The Rapist: right there! And you know what? You don't look like Ava Gardner no more.