Love is what needs to be touched

Timmy 2022-04-23 07:01:27

At the recommendation of a friend, I took the time to watch "The Ghosts of Humans". I didn't cry like he did, I just had a sour nose and moist eyes. In my opinion, this movie interprets the love that spans life and death, expressing the heart-piercing love that is separated by death, compared to "Brokeback Mountain" and "Before I Met You", which cannot be loved in one's lifetime. Stories, maybe the latter two can touch my tears and pain points more. However, this movie gave me a new understanding of love.

1. Happiness and despair in love originate from "expectation"

In one's life, there will be a variety of emotions that maintain our inner world, such as love and family, and the core of these emotions lies in two words: expectation. When there are expectations, these emotions will give us hope and make us feel good; when the other side has no expectations for us or the people we expect, these emotions become lonely ghosts and have nowhere to put them. This kind of nowhere is going to make us very miserable.

1. The expected disappearance for the first time

When Sam died, Molly came home alone, looking at the familiar and feeling so unfamiliar. Before, she could expect Sam to accompany her when he got home from get off work, expect Sam to hug her from behind in the middle of the night. And now, she can only imagine, imagining that Sam is sitting next to her right now, chatting with her, listening to her, but this fantasy will never become a reality, this expectation will never come to fruition, this is a What a disorienting situation! Molly's heart is full of thoughts and pains, but the person who can accept her thoughts and pains is no longer there, and will never come back, who should she tell her thoughts and pains, her emotions are like crazy raging Duckweed, explosively occupying the whole heart, but nowhere to put it.

2. The expected second disappearance

Time is the best medicine. Although Sam passed away, Molly will eventually come out of the pain of losing her lover as time goes on. However, the plot of the film did not develop in this direction. When Sam wanders between Yin and Yang, he can see Molly, but Molly can't see him, until later Molly senses that Sam is by her side and touches Sam through the help of a psychic, which makes the heart The ashes Molly felt a little hope and solace again. Although Molly can't see or hear Sam's voice, this subjective guess that sounds like a fantasy or even a little neurotic makes Molly believe that Sam is by her side. Yes, when a person is plunged into extreme darkness, all it takes is a tiny, looming light to make her feel powerful hope.

I believe that the audience, like Molly, hopes that she and Sam can continue to love in this way. Although they can't see or hear, although they cross life and death, this can at least make this love continue. This is what Molly expects, and what the audience expects.

However, the movie still didn't go in the direction we expected.

They could have been happily hugging each other when Sam helped Molly escape from Carl's hunt, and unexpectedly but not surprisingly, Sam was taken to heaven. At this time, the classic melody sounded, oh my love my darling, I've hungered for your touch a long lonely time... Sam and Molly looked at each other affectionately, despite the sadness and grief in their hearts, at this moment They don't have time to grieve, they have to cherish the last few seconds, take another look at each other's face, feel each other's eyes again, and experience this kind of love that can see each other. Therefore, this melody is full of love and pain, and people's emotions are constantly torn, but they can't be torn apart. This may be heartbreaking.

When the music stopped, Molly's anticipation disappeared again, and this time, completely.

So, the great thing about this movie is that it creates a kind of despair that we can't live through. Everyone should know the feeling of hope and disappointment, which is far more devastating than the disappointment of no hope. When Sam died, Molly was sad, but she guessed that maybe Sam was looking at her from the sky, still thinking of her, and this space of imagination was Molly's outlet to resolve her thoughts and pain. But when Sam was taken to heaven, it was actually Sam's official farewell to Molly, who no longer had any room for imagination and expectation, as if the door to all fantasies was closed. A complete farewell is nothing more to look forward to.

2. Love needs to be touchable

Love is not a work of art. What is a work of art? In Li Dan's words, the greatest value of art is to live in people's hearts forever.

Reflect, have we treated love as a work of art?

I read a lot of netizens' movie reviews on the Internet, saying that this movie praises the greatness and eternity of love. I thought to myself, it really doesn't hurt to stand and talk. If you have experienced such a thing, what you will first feel is the greatness and eternity of love? Of course you are expecting the person you love to be able to come back to you from the dead! ! !

The sweetest scene in the film is that when Sam wakes up in the middle of the night, he hugs Molly, who was making pottery clay due to insomnia, from behind; and after Sam's death, what they look forward to most is to touch each other's hands and feel each other's existence with the help of a psychic medium ; when Sam is about to be taken to heaven, they just want to see each other a few more times; and the classic melody "oh my love my darling, I've hungered for your touch a long lonely time" also expresses It is the strong desire to touch the lover.

Therefore, words like "Even if the yin and yang are separated, love will bloom beautiful other shore flowers", which are mostly bystanders scratching their heads and making gestures, very superficial and very irresponsible, because no one wants to feel how beautiful love is in life and death. This movie is not to tell us that love separated by yin and yang is still beautiful, nor to let us directly feel how sweet love is, but to let us feel what love is like when we lose our lover, and how painful it can be. !

In my opinion, "eternal love" is a false proposition. What is love, this question may be difficult to answer, but the external expression of love is that one house, two people, three meals, four seasons, that is, standing with you in the evening in my spare time, laughing in front of the stove and asking how warm the porridge is, that is, I can touch it with my hands your warm cheeks. And the love that loses the lover is incomplete, because one cannot continue the love. The moment they lost their lover, their story came to an abrupt end. And people who have lost their lover can only recall the bits and pieces of what they have experienced, see things and think about people, and taste the past over and over again. Besides, what else can people who are alive do? Therefore, what is eternal is not love, but memories, the past between you and him; to say that love is eternal is just a helpless act of self-deception.

Love has a time limit and we can only feel and touch it while the lover is alive. Therefore, every inch of time left in this life is worth wasting and cherishing, longer than a day or shorter than a lifetime.

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Ghost quotes

  • Oda Mae Brown: ...Give this 4 million dollars to a bunch of *nuns*? How big a jackass do you take me for?

    Sam: Think of it this way: you'll go to Heaven.

    Oda Mae Brown: I don't wanna go to Heaven, I wanna go to the bank and cash this STUPID CHECK!

  • Sam: I love you Molly. I always have.

    Molly: Ditto.