I can't believe it wasn't filmed in the American West

Lelia 2022-04-19 09:01:28

I had nothing to do, rewatched the movie with my family, and saw a lot of interesting things in the director's commentary, such as the background of the actors, saying that clint eastwood had no acting at the beginning, found the director leon, and then got the film The salary is 15,000 US dollars, which is much higher than the average person's income now. The supporting actors are also some unknown Spanish and Italian actors, as well as harlequins in the theater - playing the coffin old man! Then most of the filming locations are in Spain and Italy. A bunch of non-American, non-Mexican Europeans filming American Westerns in broken English feels like a copycat. But the music, picture, plot and rhythm are all very well grasped. Watching this movie is not depressing at all, very relaxing. Clint eastwood feels like Beckham's style, very handsome, cool...

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Extended Reading

A Fistful of Dollars quotes

  • Joe: You see, I understand you men were just playin' around, but the mule, he just doesn't get it. Course, if you were to all apologize...

    [Men Laugh]

    Joe: I don't think it's nice, you laughin'. You see, my mule don't like people laughing. He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.

  • Silvanito: I'm alive, and I want to remain with the living, understand? And when I'm dead, I want to remain with the dead. And I would be unhappy if somebody living forces me to remain with the living.