English excerpt

Johann 2022-09-13 18:21:12

Christmas Carol carol
as doornail doornail
tuppence tuppence, two pence coin, insignificant things
the any morsel
the any Scraps
leftovers, Hogwash
Fresh the EEL
GET Lost
1. deceit, hypocrisy 2. liar
1. noisy scene, confusion A place
for destitude, a
poor, no
treadmill, a
boring and boring work [lifestyle] 2. (especially a treadmill that was turned by a person or livestock in the old days) treadmill 3. (exercise) treadmill, walking Machine
means of warmth
give willies
is to make someone uneasy, nervous
a blot of mustard
crumb of cheese
a fragment of underdone potato
not fully prepared; (cooking)
dreadful apparition
1. Special scene 2. Ghosts; ghosts 3. (special scenes, etc.) appearing 4. (planets, comets, etc.) appearing first
ponderous chain
heavy, heavy 2. dull; dull
counting house
squandered and misused
1. not used to good advantage; "squandered money cannot be replaced"; "a wasted effort" for
patience, restraint; tolerance
last stroke of 12
giddy up
dizziness (especially sexual pleasure and bring people a sense of vertigo)
Solitary Child
LIABLE to Fall
attached to Me
to have feelings ......
IT's your Pass
condemn with Severity
strict, harsh, harsh 2. serious; severe 3. Simple; concise 4. Severe treatment,
seek me out in a difficult environment seek me out
...; single out
dowerless girl in...
1. lacking a dowry
the likes of me
scabbard no sword

meager meals
lean 2. Crude; inadequate; poor
man of the cloth
priest; priest
bleak pauper's
gloomy; gloomy, desolate 2. Hopeless , bleak
poor, poor, people who live on relief
mealer 15 bob a week
pray, no dallying
treat it casually; no 2. seriously consider a waste of time, leisure mixing 3. flirt
a piece of my mind
scolded him up, give him a good-looking
odious, stingy
abominable; nasty; disgusting
stingy, miserly; lack of, poor of.
BE spared SB
grunts and growls
ill whim
whim, whim, whim, whimsical
(only for the form hark at sb) to hear someone's stupid to see someone The arrogant appearance of
naff off
ordered to be expelled: used in imperative sentences as a signal of angry dismissal .
old geezer
. person, old man
no refuge
1. refuge (place, place), refuge 2. refuge; asylum; consolation
bear ur company
lead on
night waning fast
1. (month) loss, lack 2. getting smaller; decreasing 3. getting dim 4. fading; declining; declining; declining; disappearing; weakening 5. ebb
frightful fellow
having a wobbly
swaying; shaking; trembling
Catching disease
loiter the About
(in public places) stop and go, wandering; wandering 2. dawdle
Dies A Solitary Lonesome Death
SLEEP with Light hearts
do not BE grieved
Course, are Departed
Sponge Away from Writing at the
poultry traders, bird trafficking
prize turkey
signature dishes
delightful boy
Half a Crown
9. kroner (some countries of the European Currency unit) 10.5 shillings British old currency (now equal to 25 pence)
not a farthing less
(British currency in the past, no longer used) a quarter of a penny 2. A little; a very small amount of
back payment
obliged to you is
grateful to someone
a scuttle of coal
1. Sinking the ship
1 . Run quickly, walk in a hurry

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Extended Reading

A Christmas Carol quotes

  • [from trailer]

    Ebenezer Scrooge: What do you want with me?

    Jacob Marley: You will be haunted by three spirits.

    Ebenezer Scrooge: I'd rather not.

  • [from trailer]

    [to the Ghost of Christmas Past]

    Ebenezer Scrooge: Haunt me no longer!