Don't approach strangers

Lavonne 2022-04-21 09:01:37


Although I knew it was another name when I watched it, Scarlet Invasion, but apparently it is more in line with my YY potential. Like Eli wrote in all the comments I read that he is her, but I still prefer to define him as a teenager. And Oskar, a boy who can only appear in a country like the Nordic countries with ice and snow all year round, he matched the film's consistent cold, snow-white, and frozen environment, like a shimmering angel, directly amazed me, who is next to the equator. Near the country YY women. On the contrary, Eli was not very good-looking at first, but he was really good-looking. With the deepening of the film, his charm, which has survived for more than two hundred years, gradually exudes. Charmed us the audience and also charmed Oskar.

Four-character Jing said that anyone who sees oskar will become pedophile. Yes, he is pure, a lonely star-like snowflake in the icy night in the film. But, eli, he is that endless unknown night. People are deeply attracted, and they are deeply involved.

At the end of the film, oskar takes the photo of Eli, the vampire who is afraid of light, fleeing from his hometown, which verifies the words on the loving little piece of paper, "to leave is freedom, to stay is to die."/or "life is for escape, death It's for wandering", but this seems to imply that oskar is always going to age, and eli is always twelve. How are they going to develop, hopefully the ending doesn't start with Eli's faithful "father" and end with blood. However, we can still believe in Eli's love for Oskar. After all, when he first discovered the truth, Oskar's evasion and contempt, and his behavior of not letting Eli enter the house caused him to self-mutilate and bleed.

All in all, Let the Right One in is a chilling and stunning film, as many people say it is scary, but compared to a real horror movie, these blood and murder are in the director's slow motion and the pure white suburbs of Stockholm. has become "art" under the support of stand up.

In any case, with such a beautiful appearance and an inner charming little actor's interpretation, the stranger has become a movie that makes me very excited and YY. Of course, second only to the lively Western antiques and confectionary shop, after all, Jin Jae-wook's smile is unrivaled.

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Let the Right One In quotes

  • Lacke: Thank you again for another evening steeped in merriment and friendship.

  • Oskar: Are you a vampire?

    Eli: I live off blood... Yes.

    Oskar: Are you... dead?

    Eli: No. Can't you tell?

    Oskar: But... Are you old?

    Eli: I'm twelve. But I've been twelve for a long time.