A summary of the doubts about the novel, the Swiss version and the American version

Cleve 2022-04-19 09:01:37

I have read both the Swiss version and the American version.
Let’s summarize a few points
about the tangled areas. The novel is a novel and a movie is a movie
, but the Swiss version is more loyal to the novel. If you haven’t read the novel, many stories cannot be read from the movie
alone The original gender of the Herui version is male and there are also cutting marks there. No need to worry about it anymore. Eli has repeatedly said that he is not a woman or that he was originally a male
and the American version is independent. The American version sets abby as When a woman says she is not a woman, she means that she is a vampire, and the phlebotomist also scolded Abby as a bitch.
2. The phlebotomist version and the novel are similar to the master-servant relationship Eli saved this pedophile, this pedophile pair eli has a cult plot eli has pity for him so that the last one is willing to give his life to the other, and the other is willing to accept
the American version should be regarded as an independent film after adaptation. The American version of the blood-picker is one of abby's former lovers. There are two people When I was a child, the person who collected
blood from photos said that he was old and tired, and finally struggled with contradictions and boredom
. I understand what's going on, and it's clearly explained in the American version.
4. In the Swiss version, about Oscar's father, the director has talked about not being gay but drinking alcohol, but as for the Swiss version, Oscar already knows that Eli is not a woman. It's still a love that transcends gender without hesitation. If his father is gay, there are genetic factors to echo this. It's not bad. In the US version, the role of father has been diluted, but it's just a common experience
. It is also worth mentioning some items that appeared in the book, the valuable silver egg, because eli is a person 200 years ago, there must be some valuable things left over 200 years ago or earlier, just like the curiosities now. And One thing worth mentioning is that the stick used by Oscar to hit people is the one that the phlebotomist used to poke the corpse. Here I am more inclined to go for a coincidence and echo rather than "the phlebotomist inherits"
The notable items in the US version are the photos and decryption toys on the table, which are very useful for some decisive inferences.
6. Finally, it is about whether the heroine is true love or a conspiracy to find the next successor. My opinion is: In the novel, when eli and the phlebotomist knew each other, the phlebotomist was middle-aged, while the Swiss version is loyal to the novel, eli and the phlebotomist are just feelings of worship and pity, so eli is willing to suck his blood in the end, it is not too much, and when eli finally kills There are also a few details to show that Eli is not an indifferent person, Eli's mind belongs to a child, and Oscar is a love that transcends types and transcends gender.
And the US version, a photo, Abby and the phlebotomist have known each other since childhood, This is ruthless when he sucks his blood. It seems that he is useless. There are many decryption toys in the hostess room. At first, she didn't seem to know the Rubik's cube. She seemed to be close to Owen in disguise. The mind belongs to adults.
In summary of the details of the US version, Abby is looking for a new relationship after each lover is gone. At the same time, he is also the next blood collector. There is love in the middle, but it is love with conditional value. When the value is not there, love can also be transfer.

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Let the Right One In quotes

  • Lacke: Thank you again for another evening steeped in merriment and friendship.

  • Oskar: Are you a vampire?

    Eli: I live off blood... Yes.

    Oskar: Are you... dead?

    Eli: No. Can't you tell?

    Oskar: But... Are you old?

    Eli: I'm twelve. But I've been twelve for a long time.