The power of warmth

Darion 2022-04-23 07:01:36

The film's storyline is cliché, but there's a lot of warmth and strength. In the tsunami, the mother desperately swam to her eldest son, Luca, and felt no pain from being stabbed all over her body. When the two walked back to the hotel where they were still playing after all the hardships, there were only pieces of ruins in front of them. The terror of being afraid, alone, helpless, and ignorant is the most terrifying.
One of the scenes that moved me the most was the scene where the eldest son Luca, his two younger brothers and his father got together. Those lost and found relatives who thought they would never see each other again suddenly met like this, hugged and cried, without speaking, just tight. hug tightly.
Another idea is also interspersed in the movie. The mother uses her own actions to teach her son to help others at all times. Loyalty is a very important ideological quality of a person. A child who is rescued at will, brings so much joy to others. Helping others to find their missing children in the hospital, seeing others happy, makes me even more excited. This is probably the reason why I give roses to others and leave a lingering fragrance.
*Doubt: I don't understand one of the passages, that is, my mother was lying in a hospital with poor environment and talked to a daughter who had lost all her relatives. She didn't answer. Later, the heroine met this woman again before the operation. At this time, the woman finally said a word, saying that I was trying to save my strength, I lost all my family members, and I have to hold on to it. As a result, the two of them even held hands. What does this plot arrangement mean? Is it necessary to appear in the whole estimation framework? What is the meaning of appearing? (⊙o⊙)? *
PS: The picture is really good. The expression of the heroine dreaming of being washed away in the sea during the operation is not real. The mother and son walked back to the hotel. The ruins on the ground were very real. effect made by electronics. All in all these compliments!

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The Impossible quotes

  • Bellhop: And you, you don't work?

    Maria Bennett: I'm a doctor. I'm not practicing right now. Just taking care of the kids.

    Bellhop: I see, you got promoted.

  • Maria Bennett: You're so bossy.

    Lucas Bennett: I wonder who I take after.