The adult world in children's works

Macie 2022-04-21 09:01:35

Although it is a children's work in name, it is very interesting to interpret it in depth... Let's talk about a classic scene. Before marriage, a man is as wild and bohemian as a fox. But when he heard that his girlfriend was pregnant, the fox father said "wow", and the people who came here had this understanding: the 30 years of "free" life is over, and I finally want to throw away the fantasy and prepare to fight and go to Hamburg wholeheartedly. It's a lot of fun... Haha, it's very interesting, this movie seems to be given to middle-aged men, telling them to find the life they want to pursue... Well, the ladies are mad, Yaxie, let's listen to it Wife's words go with the party Smecta...

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Fantastic Mr. Fox quotes

  • Mr. Fox: Alright, let's start planning. Who knows shorthand?

    [Linda raises her hand]

    Mr. Fox: Great! Linda! Lutra Lutra - you got some dry paper?

    [she holds up some paper]

    Mr. Fox: Here we go. Mole! Talpa Europea! What d'you got?

    Mole: I can see in the dark.

    Mr. Fox: That's incredible! We can use that! Linda?

    Linda Otter: Got it.

    Mr. Fox: Rabbit! Oryctolagus Cuniculus!

    Rabbit: I'm fast.

    Mr. Fox: You bet you are. Linda?

    Linda Otter: Got it.

    Mr. Fox: Beaver! Castor Fiber!

    Beaver: I can chew through wood.

    Mr. Fox: Amazing! Linda!

    Linda Otter: Got it.

    Mr. Fox: Badger! Meles Meles!

    Badger: Demolitions expert.

    Mr. Fox: What? Since when?

    Badger: Explosions! Flames! Burning things!

    Mr. Fox: Demolitions expert! OK! Linda?

    Linda Otter: Got it.

    Mr. Fox: [grabs Weasel] WEASEL! MUSTELA NIVALIS!

    Weasel: Stop yelling!

    Mr. Fox: Ha! Ha-ha! Whoo! Okay. Ash, you and Agnes team up with these little kids and form some KP unit to keep this sewer clean. It's good for morale.

    Ash: Done.

    [turns to Agnes]

    Ash: What's KP?

    Agnes: I think it means janitors.

    [Ash spits]

    Field Mouse: Hey-hey! I wanna go with you! I wanna fight!

    Mr. Fox: Good, fabulous! Microtus pennsylvanicus!

    [the field mouse laughs]

  • Mrs. Fox: [sees her husband, Kris and Kylie sneaking through the kitchen] Another book party?

    Mr. Fox: [surprised] Oh! I didn't see you sitting in the dark over there.

    [grins sheepishly]

    Mr. Fox: Yeah! No actually, there's a fire. I just got the call; they said maybe it's arson. I've got to interview the marshal and see if it's...

    Mrs. Fox: [turns on the light] Kylie, is he telling the truth?

    Kylie: I... I don't want to be put into the middle of this!

    Mr. Fox: Thanks, Kylie.

    Mrs. Fox: Why is he wearing that bandit hat?

    [points at Kris, wearing a bandit hat]

    Mr. Fox: His ears were cold. He's not with us.

    [to Kris]

    Mr. Fox: Go back to bed.

    [Kris leaves and closes the door]

    Mrs. Fox: If what I think is happening, IS happening... it better not be.