Only Super, no Hero

Eleanora 2022-05-22 19:43:45

I rarely write film reviews. Last time I watched Kick Ass and I didn’t write it, but I thought it was kick ass 2 when I watched it crazy at the beginning, but at the end I burst into tears with the actor’s roar.

If you want to compare, I think the black and depressed feeling of this film is more like Batman Prequel 2 The Dark Knight.

The protagonist is a useless man who has been bullied since he was a child, and his wife is the sympathy points he earned from drug rehabilitation. But he was quickly abducted by the bad man Bacon with drugs and male sex.

Drugs, child prostitution, robbery, murder... the crimes all over the street, the protagonist trance, hallucinations in incomparable decadence, and finally embarks on the road of superhero...

Although this road is really unsatisfactory, even extremely frustrated. Wearing self-made tattered idiot clothes, pouting a fat butt in the car on the street to change his uniform, hitting a person with a rotten wrench, and fled in embarrassment when he saw a pistol.

The protagonist has never been a hero, and his behavioral benchmarks are also very simple, punishing the bad guys, helping the weak, and rescuing the wife who was deceived by drug dealers to test drugs.

Peggy, the house girl in the comic book store, is a naive dead house, thinking that it is her long-cherished wish to follow this uncle who can be on TV.

However, she was just an ordinary person, beating people casually for her own benefit, and almost killed them by mistake. Reprimanded by the uncle, he took the initiative to post and was rejected. In the end, he could only forcefully come to QB. The protagonist... Khan...

The goal of the protagonist is always to save his wife, although his behavior on the street was blacklisted by the police from the beginning. Knowing that he was praised by the citizens he helped, he gradually became a bit like a super hero.

In the last battle, when faced with a few professional killers with real guns and live ammunition, ordinary people were ordinary people. Loli suffered a headshot, and the protagonist went crazy. Various homemade bombs and weapons flew all the way. Beacon's side.

And what about Bacon, the junk drug dealer? For the sake of business, she threw women to black clients, but the lonely person who was beaten in the end returned the woman to the protagonist.

When he was defeated by the protagonist, he fell to the ground and said, are you going to kill me? You are a lunatic, you almost killed people when they jumped in on the street.

While beating the scum who poisoned others and poisoned his own wife, the protagonist yelled angrily: "Jumping in the queue was not right! Drug trafficking was not right!! It was not right to bully the weak!!! From ancient times to the present, it’s wrong!!!”

Please forgive me for the lack of words. The black story and tragedy of the movie have gone all the way here. With the tragic music, I am a big man crying like a man! ! !

The protagonist is holding Loli's body in pain and regrets...this is the real world, there is no superhero. This is the price of the real world, so cruel and unrelenting.


The winning beauty is back?

No, the devastated and regretful wife only stayed for a few months and then left, the protagonist was still sympathized.

Useless or useless.

Liv Tyler presents an ordinary, fragile, unrestrained and beautiful female image in this film, although the acting is still quite a vase. I remember she yelled at her mother (?) who did not agree to marry this ugly man in the play: "Frank is the only man who treats me well, and takes me away from drugs."

But this good man was still twice caught by her. throw away!

What a stark reality. Even if the other party was saving his life for her, an honest man who didn't even dare to resist, an ordinary man who was bullied and looked down upon since he was a child, fights for this cold woman and the real gangster.

Then, he abandoned him...

But the protagonist Frank finally understood. The original illusion, God asked him to walk the way for the sky... It was really an illusion, but now he believes that God does have a hint, and God asked him to approach this woman, not to marry her, but to help her get away from drugs , Leave the bad guys, leave the depravity.

If it weren’t for her own efforts to save someone a few months ago, she would not be allowed to find another good man, who gave birth to four children, and those children would send him cards...

Finally, the protagonist did not intend to buy them at first. My pet accompanies the rabbit, weeping silently at the painting on the wall.

Such a pungent, ruthless, sad, and lonely ending.

Does he regret it? He should have regretted it, but certainly not all.

Because those evils and depravities are inherently distorted and ugly, everything he does is something that people have long forgotten... He is not a hero, he is not so great, he has not been affirmed, he just does what he wants to do That's it. Stick to what he thinks is right, using his rough and violent methods.

He is not a way of justice...

Maybe there is only super in this world, there is no hero...

But there are some things that we really shouldn't forget in the numbness of material desire and growing up day by day.


ps, everyone will not recognize when Superman takes off his glasses, whether it's all the villains or the police You can recognize the protagonist just by looking at a portrait...This is the real world.

View more about Super reviews

Extended Reading

Super quotes

  • Libby: Batman had Robin. The original Human Torch had Toro. The Flash had Kid Flash. I could be your kid sidekick!

  • Frank D'Arbo: Maybe you have to be bored sometimes.

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