
Dillan 2022-04-19 09:01:39

A few days ago, I saw a blogger mentioned this 'Human Removal Plan' on Weibo. I just didn't watch it, so I got up today and spent an hour and 25 minutes reading it. During the process of watching, I opened the barrage twice. It was quickly closed again. When I saw it for about 40 minutes, I had the idea of ​​​​speeding up or giving up, but in the end I insisted on reading it.

The background of the story is that in the United States in 2022, the new leaders allow a 12-hour human scavenging activity from 7:00 p.m. on March 21 to 7:00 a.m. on the second day of each year. During these 12 hours In addition to some national leaders, the rest of the people, as long as you have the ability, you can make him disappear from this world.

There is no difference between abilities.

Those who have the ability can hide in the house where they have installed the security system, and block all the doors and windows to prevent others from intrusion; they can arm themselves to go to the streets to sweep and clear them, and vent all their anger and dissatisfaction over the past year; even more, they can destroy some of them. The impregnable walls of those who consider themselves capable, wantonly break in, complete the killing, and complete the 'washing of the soul'.

The incapacitated fled, trying to seek protection. The lucky ones can survive, the rest may have resisted, maybe begged, and in the end, they could only wait for their bodies to get cold.

The male protagonist James is the TOP 1 selling security system, selling a security system that can block 99% of intrusions in non-extreme situations.

He is fully capable on a killing day, his house is protected, he has weapons to defend himself; he is a fully capable one on a non-killing day, he has a wife, sons and daughters, and most importantly, he has money.

This was supposed to be an 'unremarkable' killing day, and the family probably didn't think they would be wiped out as incompetent.

The alarm sounded and the killing began. A black homeless man was being chased. He shouted for help near James' house. He was lucky. James' son Charlie couldn't bear him to be killed. He turned on his own security system without authorization. The last moment James found and stopped, put the homeless man in his home, and at this time, the boyfriend of James' daughter Zoey also decided to kill James today because James opposed their relationship.

James killed his daughter Zoey's boyfriend in self-defense, and the homeless took the opportunity to escape and hide in James' home.

James sent his wife Mary and son Charlie to the surveillance room, and went alone to find his daughter Zoey, hoping to bring her to safety, when a youth killing squad was approaching the family. The youth kill team's target is the homeless, but at this time the homeless is hiding in James' home, the leader of the kill team informs James to hand over the live homeless as soon as possible, otherwise once the kill team's equipment arrives, they will It will break through the security of the James family and kill the James family and the homeless.

James and his wife Mary began a search for the homeless, but their son Charlie was still secretly helping the homeless escape their parents' search, but in the end, the homeless was found and subdued.

Just when James was about to hand over the homeless man, his wife Mary was shaken, and his son Charlie kept stopping. In the hesitation, the youth killing team had broken through the security of their home, and James also decided not to hand over the homeless man. Han, resisting the Killing Squad with his wife.

The members of the killing team are all young people with high education. They enjoy the thrill of killing, wantonly smashing, and playing with the James family with cold eyes. In the end, the captain of the killing team stabbed James fiercely, and Mary was also killed by the killing team. caught.

That's when the James family's neighbors show up, kill the Kill Team members and save Mary. Mary also found James lying on the stairs, the stab wound had caused him to bleed too much, and he was dying. Just when the captain of the killing team was about to kill Mary and Charlie, Zoey appeared and killed him. And James died too.

Just as their family was in the throes of losing James, the neighbors who seemed to be their saviour were going to kill their family on today's Killing Day, because each of them had bought James' security system and watched The James family is getting better and better with the money they earn, and the neighbors want the family to disappear.

James' body was dragged away and Mary, Zoey and Charlie were all tied up.

The neighbors were about to start, but the black homeless appeared to save their family at this time, and asked Mary which one to kill first, but Mary refused the homeless, she didn't want anyone to die in the rest of the time.

Everyone sat down peacefully until the alarm sounded again and the 12 hours of Killing Day were over.

The neighbors were gone, the homeless were gone, and the James family stood by the window, quietly watching their backs.

What impresses me most about the movie isn't the brutal killing or the goosebump smile of the Kill Squad leader, but the moment when everyone sits together at the end and the female neighbor tries to kill Mary with a gun, Mary. He picked up the gun and smashed the female neighbor with the gun, and it was neat and tidy, which made people feel at ease.

In the context of such a 'human eradication plan', an unethical, kind and fair background, it is obviously wrong if we should praise Charlie's kindness and love if we discuss at this time. Because his kindness and love are based on losing his heart just to protect his family. A child who has no self-protection ability, his kind behavior will not change the current national background, will not affect the decision of the national government, but will only make the family who love him pay for his kindness. This is not kindness, but stupidity.

James is without a doubt a good husband and father. Working hard to make money to support his family, he has grown from a poor boy who could not pay rent ten years ago to a rich man who wants to buy a yacht now. The hardships can be imagined. He also loves his wife and children very much. When danger comes, His actions were actually to protect them, but unfortunately, he didn't do it completely.

He shouldn't have done this. In that context, none of their family chose to go out to kill on the killing day. They were already good people at that time point. Good people don't deserve to be treated like this, but in other words, how innocent are those who are incompetent - those who are purged.

It seems to have returned to an inextricable origin. People should be born equal, but they will never be equal.

The 'Human Removal Plan', in terms of the national government in the background: on the one hand, it can allow those who have the ability to create value for the society to find an open and upright outlet to vent their darkness and evil for a year, so that in the next Create greater value for the entire country and society in one year, so as to gain a greater advantage in the next killing day; on the other hand, eliminate those incompetent who are unable or can hardly make any value for the development of the country. , so that the country's resources are better allocated to those who are capable.

There is an old saying in China that 'you can't have both the fish and the bear's paw'. We didn't stand on the moral standard. If we want to achieve a win-win situation, maybe the final collapse will only be a moment.

Even though I know it's just a movie, it's just a story, there's one thing I want to explore. That is, since in the current 'Human Removal Plan', capable people can purchase security facilities to protect themselves and their families, why not add some weapon attack facilities on the basis of security facilities? Only defending, not attacking, should be the weakness of this security system. In fact, it also tells us that no place is unbreakable.

Finally, break this background and simply talk about the rest.

Kindness, of course, people must have the quality of kindness, because in my opinion, this is also the source of happiness. Kindness will make people discover the beauty of this world and the meaning of our existence in this world.

But we can't just have kindness. In a modern society that cannot be fair, kindness will only be a sword that stabs at the incompetent, not only when it will hurt ourselves or the people and things we really care about .

May the kind-hearted people in this society have the ability to protect themselves, and the capable people are more kind.

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The Purge quotes

  • [Charlie talks about a man cutting out his heart for his lover]

    Zoey Sandin: Why didn't he just cut off his penis?

    Mary Sandin: We are having dinner! No penises!

  • James Sandin: Tonight allows people a release for all the hatred and violence that they keep up inside them.

    Charlie Sandin: Why don't you guys kill someone tonight?

    James Sandin: Because we don't feel the need to, Charlie.