The rivers and lakes of westerners

Barton 2022-04-21 09:01:41

The western part of the United States is very much like the Chinese rivers and lakes. It has rules but disdains the legal system.

He was in his thirties and spent ten years in prison. He was full of anger and had nothing to lose. Tanner had nothing to lose. All he had was maybe his life. Then he decided to use the only thing he had to satisfy his brother's request. Perhaps it is because only in this way can he reconnect closely with his loved ones during the last journey of his life. This may be the guilt that has been hidden in my heart for thirty years. Toby came up with the plan, found his brother, asked for help, and it was impossible to say that he could not have foreseen what the plan would bring to Tanner. Therefore, in the final farewell, although he was reluctant to part, he was able to accept it. But he would never use the money that his brother had exchanged for his life to enjoy himself. In the end, the farm and oil were all given to his ex-wife and children. And he had no intention of getting back together. He just helped them with the work and went back to the rented house in town. For Toby, his brother is the one who gave his life for himself, what about the guards and passers-by who want to fight back in the bank; for Alberto, who is devoted to his duties and has a gentle personality. The film has an open ending, and Toby tells Marcus that if he wants to know the facts, he should go to his rental house and find him. He, who repeatedly confirmed whether he would be withdrawn when handling the trust, may be ready to take responsibility for his actions; and although Marcus has retired, if he confirms Toby's participation, will he risk his life to die? The old partner in front of him is taking revenge. After all, the jokes about the Mexicans have not yet had time to tell.

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Hell or High Water quotes

  • Marcus Hamilton: [Referring to a TV evangelist] He wouldn't know God if he crawled up his pant leg and bit him on the pecker.

  • Old Man: You fellas robbin' the bank?

    Tanner Howard: What's it look like, old man?

    Old Man: But you ain't Mexicans.